Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Journey into Social Media Fasting (How I Read More in a Month)

Hi, everyone! I'm on a social media fast (not a complete one, but I've given myself rules). A lot of people within the Christian community I'm apart of participating and I thought it would be a good idea to participate and see the improvement it would bring to my life. I'll discuss the rules I've laid down for myself, my reading progress (because that's what I'm doing a lot of now), and how I feel about it each day.
No Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat. I can use Facebook because it is how my winter guard team keeps in contact and as a captain I may need to make posts on the page or respond to questions. 
I'm allowing myself to keep Goodreads and my blog because it focuses on books and my goal during this time is to read more and grow closer to God. 
I can only watch YouTube on the weekends. This means no distractions during the week and it forces me to focus on homework and studying.
I am only listening to Christian music. No secular music at all. No Asking Alexandria, Lana del Rey, or Paramore. Which is okay with me because I listen to a lot of Christian music.
No TV shows or movies. I have a slight tweak to this. I can't sleep at night without the light and sound from the TV, so I am only allowed to watch it before bed to fall asleep.

Day 1- February 27th
I woke up this morning not knowing I was about to embark on a fasting journey. One of my friends convinced me to partake in it and because I didn't have a good reason not to it, it made sense to make the sacrifice. 
Read: I continued reading Romans in the New Testament as well as Exodus in the Old Testament. 
33123849I am still reading The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon and I read about 20ish pages of it.
I continued listening to The Hate U Give on audibook. It's amazing and wonderful! 
I read one chapter (11 pages) of The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman for my Leadership Training Class.
Finished: I finished Tess of the Road and loved it!! Check out my review if you haven't! I gave it 5 stars!
I made a lot of progress with reading. I finished a novel, studied for a test three times (totaling about three hours), wrote a paper, and attended Life Group for two hours. 
Books Finished: 1
Day 2 - February 28th
I was really worried about how today would go. It's hard to not go on websites and just scroll when I'm bored. So instead, I read my Bible or I read a book on my Kindle app. That way I'm still reading and keeping myself occupied, but it's productive.
Read: I continued reading Romans in the New Testament today. I really love Romans and it's one of my favorite books within the Bible.
I read about 20 more pages of The Fiery Cross and I'm on page 645. I may read a little before bed tonight, but I don't know yet. 
32075671I started listening to Ready Player One on audiobook. It finally came in at my library (I was waiting for almost a month!) and I'm curious to see if I'll like it or not. So far, I'm an hour in and it's decent.
I started reading The Sins of Lord Lockwood by Meredith Duran and I read 24% (about 88 pages) and I'm really enjoying it so far.
Finished: I finished Exodus in the Old Testament, which is exciting because it's my first time reading it all the way through. 
I finished The Hate U Give!! I'm so happy that I listened to this! Peter from Peter Likes Books on YouTube raved about the narration and it was amazing. I was so impressed with this audiobook and it was a wonderful, moving, gripping, heartbreaking novel that everyone should read. I gave it 5 stars!
Books Finished: 2 
Books of Bible Finished: 1

Day 3 - March 1st
I had a huge Linguistics this day and I have been studying like crazy for it, but once I took the test I relaxed by reading and playing on my rifle. So, it was a good day!
Read: Three chapters of Leviticus.
I continued reading The Fiery Cross by and read 113 page!! I hit page 758 and have an inkling that this will be the last Outlander book I read, which is sad.
I also continued listening to Ready Player One and it is hard to describe my exact thoughts on it. I think the concept is a lot of fun and I'm enjoying that, but Wade is a douchecanoe and I hate his personality.
Finished: I finished Romans in the New Testament for the first time and I love Romans a lot.
Books Finished: 2
Books of Bible Finished: 2

Day 4 - March 2nd
 Fridays are fun days for me because I can breathe.
Read: I continued to listen to Ready Player One and I stopped at chapter 9.
I read five chapters of 1 Corinthians and I love Paul's writing and 1 Corinthians is just amazing.
I read three chapters of Leviticus and it is kind of dull because it talks about sacrificing that Moses and his people, the Israelites, partook in.
I read 54 pages of The Fiery Cross. I finished part five and hit page 813. I'm almost to the 1000-page mark and I can't wait to get there.
I also read four chapters of The Sins of Lord Lockwood and finished my reading of the day at 49%.
Finished: I didn't finish anything on March 2nd and that was the first day I hadn't finished anything at all and it was kind of a bummer, but I had a wonderful day spending time with my mom, dog, and sister.
Books Finished: 2
Books of Bible Finished: 2

Day 5 - March 3rd
34518216A busy day of cleaning and being an adult. Plus I had a lot of school work I needed to do. So, that took up at least five hours of my day.
Read: I listened to about eight chapters of Ready Player One and it was the best section of the novel so far. I think that's why I listened to so much. I stopped at chapter 16.
I read five chapters of 1 Corinthians. Still love Paul and the messages he conveys about Jesus.
I read three chapters of Leviticus.
Finished: I started and finished the witch doesn't burn in this one. I read 208 pages in three hours and it was a nice way to end a stressful day. I gave the collection 3 stars. Check out my review here.
Books Finished: 3
Books of Bible Finished: 2

Day 6 - March 4th
Today was a busy day because I had a four hour practice, but I wanted to read before and after to destress before the week ahead.
Read: I read three chapters of Leviticus.
I read three chapters of The Sins of Lord Lockwood and I'm now at 69%. I'm definitely loving this one.
I listened to a chapter and a half of Ready Player One. It has it a low and it isn't as fun as the end of part one.
I read 21 pages of the poetry collection Against Forgetting edited by Carolyn Forche. I don't pick this one up often, but I forced myself to read it for fifteen minutes and I'm glad that I did because I enjoyed it. Currently on page 298!
I read 32 pages of Helter Skelter by Vincent Burgliosi and I'm loving this true crime novel. I was hoping to love this one and it has not disappointed. The Manson Family is sick and twisted and the man behind it all is even sicker. I'm currently on page 222.
I am rereading East of Eden by John Steinbeck and I'm loving even more this time around. I originally gave it 4.5 stars, but I think I'm going to give it a solid 5 stars this time around. I read 23 pages today, but those pages were intense and crazy. Cathy is a ruthless sadistic psychopath and I was shocked because I forgot this happened. I'm currently on page 240.
I read a chapter of The Master Plan of Evangelism for my leadership class and it was amazing. I highlighted so many passages and I just loved everything discussed. I'm currently on page 71.
Finished: I read six chapters of 1 Corinthians and finished it! It was so inspiring to read this one all the way through for the first time and it is one of my favorite books of the Bible.
I read the short story "The Turkey Season" in the collection A Wilderness Station by Alice Munro and I gave the story 2.5 stars. It wasn't a horrible story, but I didn't gain anything from it like I have with other Munro stories in this collection.
I read eleven pages of The Fiery Cross before bed. Finished on page 824.
Books Finished: 3
Short Story Finished: 1
Books of Bible Finished: 3

Day 7 - March 5th 
35297489Read: I continued listening to Ready Player One and read a large chunk while doing housework. I stopped at chapter 26 out of 39.
Read seven chapters of 2 Corinthians and it was full of good stuff (obviously).
Read 15 pages of The Fiery Cross and it isn't a favorite of mine, but I can't wait to finish this one.
I read three more chapters of Leviticus and it was a little hard to get through.
I started The Price Guide to the Occult by Leslye Walton and made it 5% before I fell asleep.
Finished: I finished The Sins of Lord Lockwood and thought it was a lot of fun. It has it's problem, but it is full of darker themes that really cemented my enjoyment of this novel. I gave it 3.75 stars. Check out my review here.
Books Finished: 4
Short Story Finished: 1
Books of Bible Finished: 3

Day 8 - March 6th
 Read: I continued listening to Ready Player One and stopped at chapter 37 out of 39. I was planning to finish it, but I was too tired to stay up any longer.
I read 65 pages of The Fiery Cross and made it passed the 900-page mark (903)! God bless! This book is far longer than it needs to be.
I read three chapters of Leviticus.
I read one chapter of The Master Plan of Evangelism for my leadership class and I'm really enjoying this small little novel. (page 78)
Finished: I read six chapters and finished 2 Corinthians and I really enjoyed 2 Corinthians as a whole. I didn't love it as much as 1 Corinthians, but I still really enjoyed it.
Books Finished: 4
Short Story Finished: 1
Books of Bible Finished: 4

Day 9 - March 7th
38884694Read: I read the first three chapters of Galatians and I loved it. Galatians is so full of quiet love, devotion, and wisdom.
I read 24 pages of The Fiery Cross and made it to page 927. This took a surprising turn and got dark, but all of it was inconsequential. I read five chapters of The Price Guide to the Occult and made it to the 33% mark. I'm definitely loving this one!
I also started listening to The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank and I'm really excited about finally listening to this one because I have always wanted to read this one, but I can't pass up the opportunity to listen to this on audio.
38492057Finished: I listened to and finished the last two chapters of Ready Player One and it was fun to listen to. The world of the Oasis is fun, but the main character, Wade, is horrible and that ending was so cliche. I gave it 3.75 stars, but I haven't reviewed it yet so that could change.
I read the short story "You Know How the Story Goes" by Thomas Olde Heuvelt and it was a fun creepy tale that was a nice twist on urban legends. I gave it 4 stars. Check out my review with a link to the story here.
Books Finished: 5
Short Stories Finished: 2
Books of Bible Finished: 4

Day 10 - March 8th 
Read: I listened to The Diary of a Young Girl and it's weird to finally be reading this famous historical piece. I'm happy that I chose to listen to the audiobook instead of picking it up to read.
I read three more chapters of Leviticus. I bet you are tired of seeing me say this over and over, but Leviticus is 27 chapters, so that's nine days of repetition. :D
I read a bit of The Price Guide to the Occult and made it to 43% and I'm really enjoying this story. I'm not sure if I love it as much as The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender or if I love it more, but it's definitely winning me over!
I read 40 more pages of The Fiery Cross because I wanted to make a dent in it before class started and I read about twenty-plus pages in twenty minutes. I made it to page 966!
Finished: Read the last three chapters of Galatians. I really enjoyed Galatians and I felt like I walked away with a lot of concepts and things to ponder.
Books Finished: 5
Short Stories Finished: 2
Books of Bible Finished: 5

Day 11 - March 9th
Read: I continued listening to The Diary of a Young Girl and I listened to a good portion of it. Events are happening at a faster pace than I thought they did.
I read three chapters of Ephesians and it was beautiful. All of Paul's writings are beautiful, but I love Ephesians a lot.
I read a huge chunk of The Price Guide to the Occult and hit the 61% mark. It is a wild ride so far.
I read 7 pages of Helter Skelter. I tried to read more, but I started watching a TV show with my mom and I got distracted. Currently on page 229.
Finished: I read three chapters of Leviticus, but I FINISHED IT! Chapter 26 was my favorite in whole book and it was scary, but it also instills hope.
I read 25 pages and finished "Labor Day Dinner" in Alice Munro's anthology A Wilderness Station. I would give it 2 stars. I was not impressed with at all. I did like the theme of loafing and not fulfilling dreams, but besides that it was a snooze fest.
Books Finished: 5
Short Stories Finished: 3
Books of Bible Finished: 6

Day 12 - March 10th
Read: Read the first three chapters of Numbers. I have heard that this one is a lot of fun, but the beginning is a little hard to get into.
Read one chapter (24 pages) of I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman and this is an intense story about those who have experience tragedy in different ways.
I read six pages of Helter Skelter. I'm making slow progress with this one because it is kind of depressing to read, but it is always fascinating.
I read 18 pages of The Fiery Cross. This day was really busy and I didn't do a whole lot of reading.
Finished:I read and finished the last three chapters in Ephesians. I greatly enjoyed reading this one.
Books Finished: 5
Short Stories Finished: 3
Books of Bible Finished: 7

Day 13 - March 11th
I had an incredibly productive reading day and usually when I'm under intense stress I read more.
Read: I continued reading three more chapters in Numbers.
I read a little bit more of The Price Guide to the Occult and made it to 79%.
I read 63 pages of Against Forgetting and made it to page 361. I was really happy to finally make a huge dent in this one and I finally finished the World War II section. I wasn't a huge fan of this portion because with as many poems as this section contained I was more underwhelmed and disappointed by the poems.
I read 35 pages of East of Eden and made it page 275. I am really enjoying my reread of this one and I greatly loved the two chapters I read.
I read 12 pages of The Master Plan of Evangelism and stopped at page 91.
I read 22 pages of I Have Lost My Way and stopped at page 46.
Books Finished: I read and finished the four chapters of Philippians and I really enjoyed this one. I just really love Paul and his writings.
Books Finished: 5
Short Stories Finished: 3
Books of Bible Finished: 8

Day 14 - March 12th
Read: I continued listening to The Diary of a Young Girl.
35879387I read 16 pages of The Fiery Cross and made it to page 1054. I love being over the 1000-page mark!
I read another three chapters of Numbers.
Finished: I read and finished the four chapters of Colossians. I'm in the portion of the New Testament where the chapters are short, so I've been finishing a lot of books in the Bible.
I read and finished the last 20% of The Price Guide to the Occult. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it to fans of witches, Leslye Walton, and lyrical prose. I gave it 4.25 stars. Check out my review here.
I started treading The Merry Spinster by Mallory Ortberg. I made it 15% of the way through. I finished the story "The Daughter of the Cells", which is a Little Mermaid retelling with a horrifying twist. I wasn't really captured at the beginning, but when the grandmother witch is introduced I could see where this story was going and I really became a fan of it. I loved the ending. I gave it 3.5 stars.
Books Finished: 6
Short Stories Finished: 4
Books of Bible Finished: 9

Day 15 - March 13th
Read: I continued listening to The Diary of a Young Girl. I always start my day with listening to an audiobook as I get ready and I love starting my day with a book.
I continued reading Numbers and you guessed, I read three chapters!
I read 65 pages of The Fiery Cross and made it to page 1119. Over the 1100-page marker!
I also read a little bit of I Have Lost My Way, but I didn't track where I stopped or how much I read this day.
Finished: I read and finished the five chapters of 1 Thessalonians.
I also read and finished the three chapters of 2 Thessalonians. There was a lot of reading for my Bible reading plan, but I greatly enjoyed it.
Books Finished: 6
Short Stories Finished: 4
Books of Bible Finished: 10

Day 16 - March 14th
Read: I continued listening to The Diary of a Young Girl.
I read 31 pages of The Fiery Cross. I made it to page 1150.
I started reading "The Merry Spinster" within the collection The Merry Spinster and got to 59%.
I read 7 pages in The Master Plan of Evangelism. I stopped at page 99. I'm almost done!
Finished: I read and finished the six chapters of 1 Timothy and this one had a couple of messages about women that had me raising my eyebrows, but historical context is key.
I read and finished the four chapters of 2 Timothy and I loved it.
I continued reading The Merry Spinster and finished a large chunk of short stories in this collection.
"The Thankless Child" I didn't like this one at all. I was incredibly confused and underwhelmed by the content and I think it's a Cinderella retelling, but the message is skewed and the ending was just... unsatisfying. I gave it 1.5 stars.
"Fear Not: An Incident Log" I was surprised by this one because it follows the Angel of God that is sent down the wrestle Jacob (from Genesis). I thought Ortberg's style really shone in this one and I loved how the angel is confessing to this uncertain event where he thinks he has killed Jacob (who becomes Israel). I gave 5 stars.
"Six Boy-Coffins" follows the same vein of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marrilier. If you didn't know that Daughter of the Forest is my favorite fantasy novel, then now you know and if you enjoyed that novel, you will probably enjoy this one, but it has a much darker ending. Pure evil. I gave it 5 stars.
 "The Rabbit" I love this one so much. It is the darkest story in this collection so far. It follows the Velveteen Rabbit and his desire to become Real. I gave it 5 stars.
Books Finished: 6
Short Stories Finished: 8
Books of Bible Finished: 12

Day 17 - March 15th
Read: I read three more chapters of Numbers and this is where the book gets interesting. I'm loving it!
17944176I read 43 pages of The Fiery Cross and I made it to page 1993. I'm so close to the 1220-page mark and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to finish this book and be done with it.
I read a bit more of I Have Lost My Way and made it to page 70.
I started listening to The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey. I've heard that this is where the series becomes problematic for many readers, but I'm going to give the audiobook a shot because I don't think I will ever pick it up to read.
Finished: I listened to and finished The Diary of a Young Girl. I really loved listening to the audiobook and I feel like a lot of people will love listening to it more than reading it. I gave the diary 4.25 stars. Check out my review here.
I read and finished the the chapters of Titus. This one was interesting because I don't think I've ever had an encounter with this one, but I got a few spiritual messages from it.
I read and finished Philemon. This is only one chapter and I've read it before in a LifeGroup and really enjoyed discussing it. It was nice to revisit it.
I continued reading The Merry Spinster and finished "The Merry Spinster", which is a Beauty and the Beast retelling. I was really loving this one, but the ending kind of ruined everything for me. I gave it 3.5 stars.
Books Finished: 7
Short Stories Finished: 9
Books of Bible Finished: 14

Day 18 - March 16th
Read: I continued listening to The Infinite Sea and I quickly began to like it a lot more than I expected to.
I read six chapters of Hebrews and three chapters of Numbers in my Bible. Y'all the Bible App is one of my favorite apps and it is just so resourceful for furthering my relationship with God.
I read some more of The Fiery Cross and made it to page 1206. There wasn't a whole lot of reading that day.
I also read a little bit of "The Wedding Party" in The Merry Spinster, but I didn't finish it.
Finished: This is one of the days where I finished absolutely nothing and didn't read a whole lot either. It was kind of sad, but it was an incredibly busy day for me.
Books Finished: 7
Short Stories Finished: 9
Books of Bible Finished: 14

Day 19- March 17th
Read: I continued listening to The Infinite Sea on audio.
I read a minuscule 27 pages of The Fiery Cross and made it to page 1233.
I read another three chapters of Numbers. I'm going to be honest, Numbers is hard to get through but it is worth it.
Finished: I read and finished seven chapters of Hebrews. I really loved Hebrews and I thought it was a marvelous book with a lot of insight.
Books Finished: 7
Short Stories Finished: 9
Books of Bible Finished: 15

Day 20 - March 18th
Read: I read 10 pages of The Fiery Cross. Whump whump. I either read a lot of it or barely anything.
I read three chapters of Numbers.
I also continued listening to The Infinite Sea and was able to see how far I was in my physical copy. I made it to page 96.
Finished: I rad and finished five chapters of James. James is an interesting book of the Bible because it focuses on pain and finding joy in that suffering.
Books Finished: 7
Short Stories Finished: 9
Books of Bible Finished: 16

Day 21 - March 19th
AKA One of the Best Reading Days Ever
35035160Read: I listened to a total of 108 pages of The Infinite Sea and page it to page 204. I listened to a large chunk of this, which isn't surprising because I listen to audiobooks while getting ready in the morning, walking to class, and while doing homework.
I read three more chapters of Numbers. Keeping up with habit!
I started reading The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton which is a King Lear retelling set in a fantasy kingdom.

Finished: I read and finished the five chapters of 1 Peter.
I also read and finished the three chapters of 2 Peter. There was a lot of Peter that day in my life.
I finished the rest of the stories in The Merry Spinster collection. I gave the entire collection 3.5 stars and I still haven't written my review for it because I've been super busy and I'm trying to get my life together. LOL *crying*
7551969"The Wedding Party" - 1 star What a horrible story. Worst of the collection. I can't find a single praiseworthy aspect.
"Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Mr. Toad" - 3.5 stars Have you ever wondered what happens when forest animals decide to torture their friend after he has committed several sins? Well, here is your chance to find out how that plays out.
"Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters" - 4.5 stars This is a creepy siren story with a deep connection to selkie lore and I loved how demented and twisted it got at the end.
"The Frog's Princess" - 3 stars This wasn't horrible, but it wasn't memorable and at times it could be a little confusing.
"Good Fences Make Good Neighbors" - 2 stars I don't really know what Ortberg was trying to do here because all it did was make me annoyed and infuriated.
I read and finished the last 30 pages of The Master Plan of Evangelism and greatly enjoyed it. I give the novel 4 stars overall, but because it is a nonfiction Christian guide to discipleship it is hard to rate. 
Books Finished: 9
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 18

Day 22 - March 20th
16131484Read: After finishing one audiobook, I started An American Marriage by Tayari Jones because I had been on the wait list for two weeks and it finally became available.  I didn't want to waste any time because by the time I started listening to it, it was already two days closer to the due date.
I read a little bit of The Fiery Cross before bed and managed a quick 13 pages.
Finished: I read and finished five chapters of 1 John and John is awesome.
I read another three chapters of Numbers, but I finished it!!
I listened to the last 96 pages of The Infinite Sea! I really enjoyed this one and it isn't as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. It has flaws and isn't nearly as good or comparable to The 5th Wave, but I really enjoyed it. 4.25 stars!
Books Finished: 10
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 20

Day 23 - March 21st
Read: I continued listening to An American Marriage and I have to recommend this audiobook with everything I have. I'm from Louisiana and Roy's accent is nailed fabulously! It's a wonderful cast of narrators.
I started reading Deuteronomy and I continued sticking to the three chapter rule.
I read some of The Fiery Cross and made it to page 1275.
I read 39% of The Queens of Innis Lear and I was digging it when I eventually got past the overly flowery prose.
Finished: I read and finished 2 John, 3 John, and Jude. The chapters were short, so I was able to knock out a lot more than usual.
Books Finished: 10
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 23

Day 24 - March 22nd
33590210Read: I read three chapters of the book of Revelation. I've read Revelation before, but reading it cohesively with the entirety of the New Testament is so enlightening.
I read another three chapters of Deuteronomy.
I read 9 pages (LOL) of The Fiery Cross.
Finished: I finished An American Marriage and I loved it so much! I can't recommend it enough and it deserves all the acclaim and attention it is currently getting. I gave it 4.5 stars because there was a brief time when I absolutely hated the characters and almost stopped listening, I'm glad I didn't.
Books Finished: 11
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished:  23

Day 25 - March 23rd
Read: I started listening to The Last Star because I was determined to finish the 5th Wave trilogy and finally finish a series for 2018.
I read six chapters of Revelation. It got dark and depressing, but I love horror and I also love seeing how the horror of modern culture is heavily inspired by the deep roots of Revelation.
I read 25 pages of The Fiery Cross. I finally hit the 1300-page marker.
I read three chapters of Deuteronomy.
I read some of The Queens of Innis Lear and got to 44%.
I read some of I Have Lost My Way and made it to page 93.
Finished: Nothing!
Books Finished: 11
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 23

Day 26 - March 24th
Read: I listened to The Last Star by Rick Yancey.
I read three chapters of Revelation.
Not much reading done today because I was out of town for my last winter guard competition this season. We placed second!

Finished: None!
Books Finished:11
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 23

Day 27 - March 25th
Read: I read six chapters of Revelation.
I also read 14 pages of The Fiery Cross before bed. I made it to page 1333.

Finished: I didn't finish anything because I was driving back from the competition with friends after a sleepover. Not much time for reading.

Books Finished: 11
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 23

Day 28 - March 26th
1068826Read: I continued listening to The Last Star.
I read three chapters of Deuteronomy.
I also read a bit of The Queens of Innis Lear.
Finished: I read and finished the last four chapters of Revelation. Revelation is one of my favorite books of the Bible and I was excited because this is the first time that I've read the New Testament.
I FINISHED THE NEW TESTAMENT! Super exciting stuff!
I read 110 pages of The Fiery Cross and FINISHED it!. This was a massive reading day for this book and me. I usually don't read this much, but I read a lot of it! I have been struggling this book for months and I finally finished it. It's sad, but I've fallen out of love with the Outlander series. 2 stars!

Books Finished: 12
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 24

Day 29 - March 27th 
Read: I continued listening to The Last Star.
29982722I read six chapters of Deuteronomy. Since I'm done with the New Testament, it seemed fitting to devote more chapters to my reading of the Old Testament.
I started reading Gerald's Game by Stephen King and it is so  exciting because I haven't read a SK novel since January.
I read 10 pages of I Have Lost My Way. It's harder to make to read on my computer.
Finished: I read and finished The Queens of Innis Lear. Technically I didn't finish the entire novel, I finished the sampler that I was given. I originally thought it was the novel when I downloaded, but it wasn't. I'm okay with that. I'm chalking this one up to a DNF and gave it 3 stars. Check out my review here.

Books Finished: 13
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 24

Day 30 - March 28th 
Read: I continued listening to The Last Star.
I read five chapters of Deuteronomy.
I read 10 pages of Gerald's Game.
I started reading The School for Psychics by K.C. Archer and hit the 14% mark.
Finished: Not much reading done this day.

Books Finished: 13
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 24

Day 31 - March 29th 
Read: I continued listening to The Last Star.
I read five chapters of Deuteronomy.
I read 38 pages of Gerald's Game and made it to page 76.

Finished: Last day of classes before Spring Break!

Books Finished: 13
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 24

Day 32 - March 30th
Read: I read 53 pages of Gerald's Game. I love Stephen King so much and this story is so gripping. I  made it to page 129.

 Finished: I read the last six chapters of Deuteronomy. I really enjoyed Deuteronomy and it's awesome to say that I've finished Moses' books in the Bible.

Books Finished: 13
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 25

Day 33 - March 31st
Read: I read six chapters of Joshua and it was incredibly entertaining.
16131489I started listening to The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This isn't the actual novel which is a bummer. It's a dramatized version from the 1981 that was broadcasted by the BBC and it is brilliant. I'm not even salty that it isn't the novel.
I read 126 pages of Gerald's Game while sitting outside and enjoying the beautiful spring air with my dog. I made it to page 255.
I read 58 pages of I Have Lost My Way and hit page 161 which is the half-way marker for the novel.

 Finished: I finished listening to The Last Star. I really loved the ending for this one. Yancey wasn't afraid to go there and it made sense to me. As a whole the trilogy struggles to live up to the first novel, but as a whole it is a really strong series. 4.5 stars.

Books Finished: 14
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 25

Day 34 - April 1st (EASTER)
Read: I continued listening to The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
I read six chapters of Joshua.
I read 53 pages of Gerald's Game while sitting in the car driving to visit family.

Finished: I didn't expect to get much reading done with church and visiting family all day.

Books Finished: 14
Short Stories Finished: 14
Books of Bible Finished: 25

Overall Thoughts:
This social media fast was a huge blessing. I grew closer to so many people on campus by talking and not scrolling on my phone in awkward situations. I also read and listened to a lot of books. It's pretty awesome, but I also grew closer to God during this time and that was my number one goal. I definitely recommend fasting or giving up social media if you want to experience a stress-free and more personal world.  


  1. Awesome post and I am so happy for you that you managed to grow closer to God! I tried something similar this Lent season - no internet at all at weekends plus reading Bible and religous writings during duration of whole Lent. Whole no-internet policy definitely leads to stress-free life and is very freeing.
    Anyway, I am said to hear that you fell out with Outlander series!

    1. That's so awesome! I'm glad to hear that you made time for God! I kind of don't miss all the social media if I'm being honest. It's quite sad. I will miss reading the books, but I think I'll watch the TV show.

  2. Wow, you did get a lot of reading done! And that's wonderful that you grew closer to God since that was your main goal! We've all gotten so used to social media, I imagine it would make things different to give it up for a month. I'm stuck home most of the time because of my chronic illness, Twitter is pretty much how I get social interaction most days, so it's not something I'd personally want to give up, but I'm glad to hear the social media fasting was a good experience for you :-)

    1. Thanks so much for those kind words! It definitely felt very different and the first couple of days were the hardest, but I slowly didn't feel the need to reach for those apps anymore. I totally understand that! I don't think I would want to give up such a huge part of my life completely (that's why I made some lenient rules). It was a great experience, but it was definitely a hard one to commit to.


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