Fearscape by Nenia Campbell
First in the Horrorscape series
4.5 stars
Valerian lives in a world where antiheroes and bad boys are idolized and deemed romantic, but what happens when she meets a real bad boy and not something like out of a book? Gavin Mecozzi, is the school’s outcast. He’s been labeled as crazy and a loner, but when Val meets him in a pet store she becomes intrigued and wants to know more about him. Someone has been stalking Val and he will stop at nothing to own her. *I should start this reviewing by saying that I’m friends with the author, but this doesn’t affect my thoughts and feelings towards this book at all.* Can I just say how much I love this concept and how I want to hug Nenia for actually tackling this topic. For once a stalker isn’t deemed as a romantic love interest. This guy is truly horrifying and not once did I think about any of his actions as romantic. This book is literally a fun and thrilling ride. If this book wasn’t on your radar before, please seriously think about adding it to your TBR because it’s definitely worth it. Now as much as I love this book, I’m also shocked that I enjoyed it because for the first chapter I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it at all. I was apprehensive about continuing, but by chapter three I was breezing through the pages and couldn’t get enough. I was always on edge while reading and I love when an author is able to do that.
The main female character is Val. I didn’t really like Val at first, but as I read on I saw a lot of myself in her. There were still times when she would lose my liking for her, but it was brief. She’s a relatable character and I like that she didn’t have any special talents. She was a great artist, but it wasn’t like most YA heroines today who are insanely talented at something. I appreciate a real heroine who mirrors me or other people I know.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 9
The main male character and villain are Gavin. There were maybe a few scenes where I thought that maybe Gavin wasn’t a complete psycho who was stalking Val, but I knew it was him. From the moment he’s first introduced something is off about him. Yes, Gavin is intriguing, but he is also unsettling. There are a lot of things off about Gavin and can I just say that the ending surrounding him and all of that craziness was a pure mindfuck. I literally dropped my Kindle and reread the horror because it was just crazy.
Swoon Worthy Scale: NO!
Villain Scale: 9
I liked how Val’s mom was around throughout the novel. She was there and not just a prop or an absent parent. I kind of wish Val’s friends were more present. They were there, but towards the end of the novel they left her life almost completely.
Character Scale: 8
I want the sequel so bad. I should be getting it soon! I can’t wait to read the rest of these books because they are a complete twisted mess of feelings. I don’t think my brain appreciated me reading this book right after Comfort Food, but I love crazies. I want more and I can’t wait to read Horrorscape because that epilogue left me wanting more. Give this a shot because it’s definitely worth reading if you are looking for a new indie author.
Cover Thoughts: I love the cover. It fits this novel so well in every possible way. It’s probably one of my favorite covers in my Kindle library.