Hello, everyone! I haven't been a very good blogger. I think taking a break from my blog was what I needed. I miss typing and writing here and sharing about books. I haven't created much this year as far as blog posts or even YouTube videos, although I have made some ones that I am so proud of. I'm just trying to figure out how to have so many passions and still balance life in healthy ways. I have bought a lot of books over the last couple of months. Way too many in all honesty. I just can't stop. LOL It's how I deal with stress or when I am happy and want to celebrate something. I am a hot mess book collector. It has been a lot of fun collecting and finding so many books I never knew about before this year. Or going back to my favorites from childhood like Fear Street and Christopher Pike and building up a collection again.

For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten- This is one of my pre-orders! I love the cover and the premise. Fantasy
The Evil Lives! by R.L. Stine- This is the last book in the Cheerleaders series and it is hard to track down a physical copy, so I bought the e-book. It is an interesting book, but it is definitely the worst in the series. YA Horror 3.25 stars
The Perfect Father: The True Story of Chris Watts, His All-American Family, and a Shocking Murder by John Glatt- This was a book I have been trying to get my hands on at the library and they haven't gotten it, so I bought the mass market edition. True Crime
Dusk, Night, Dawn: On Revival and Courage by Anne Lamott- I love the cover for this one. I am hoping it is a powerful little book. Christian Living
Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero- I bought this one because I love Scooby-Doo and I heard it had some Lovecraftian elements. It delivered in some ways, but it wasn't everything I had hoped it would be. Horror 4 stars
Lisey's Story by Stephen King- This is a King novel I know nothing about, but I know it is well loved by a lot of people. I also heard the TV show was very good. Horror
Eeny Meeny by M.J. Arlidge- I don't often read detective fiction, but this one sounds really interesting. Mystery Thriller
By These Ten Bones by Clare B. Dunkle- Scotland and fantasy horror. Sign me up. YA Fantasy Horror
Uninvited by Amanda Marrone- This was a book I checked out probably ten times was I was in middle school. It was an absolute favorite. I found it at a used bookstore and knew that I had to get it. YA Paranormal
The Prince of Mist by Carols Ruis Zafon- All I know is that this man's books are well-loved and this one sounded spooky, so I picked it up. YA Horror Fantasy
A Dog's Ransom by Patricia Highsmith- I have yet to read a book by Highsmith, but I have heard nothing but amazing things from the author of The Talented Mr. Ripley (which I definitely need to read). Mystery
Real World by Natsuo Kirino- After reading Confessions in May, I am convinced that Japanese thrillers and horror is unmatched. They go DARK. I need to buy and read it all. Mystery/Thriller
The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalia Harris- I was disappointed by this one. I thought I would absolutely love it, but I am incredibly let down by the plot. Mystery with Horror Elements 3 stars
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides- I am nervous to read this one. I've heard such mixed things and I liked The Silent Patient, but didn't love it, so I am a bit nervous to read it. Mystery/Thriller
I Am the Messenger by Markus Zuzak- I have no clue what this book is about and every time I reread the synopsis, I forget it. I bought this one super cheap at a library book sale and it's by a well-loved author. Thought I would pick it up. YA Mystery
Macbeth the 1-Hour Guidebook by SparkNotes- I teach English and Macbeth is in the curriculum. I love the play and I figured this would help add something new to the table with my teaching.
Hamlet the 1-Hour Guidebook by SparkNotes- I love Hamlet; it is my favorite Shakespeare play. I picked up the Macbeth summary, so why not get the Hamlet one as well?
The Girl Who Cried Flowers and Other Tales by Jane Yolen & David Palladini- Half of my edition was a reprint of the middle three stories. I am sad I didn't get to read this one all the way through. I found it super cheap at a library sale though, so it's not too big of a deal. Children's Fairy Tales 3 stars
The Shadow of the Wind by Carolis Ruis Zafon- I have only ever heard amazing things about this book. It's been on my TBR list since 2015 and I was so excited to find this at my library book sale. A great find! Historical Fantasy
Lord of the Fading Lands by C.L. Wilson- The only romance I like reading is fantasy now, so I am super curious to check this one out and see how much I enjoy it. Fantasy Romance
Queen of Crystal Flame by C.L. Wilson- They didn't have books two and three, but I bought what the bookstore had. Fantasy Romance
Crown of Crystal Flame by C.L. Wilson- Fifth book in the series Fantasy Romance
31 Prayers for My Future Husband by Jennifer & Aaron Smith- I am always looking for more books to help with prayer. Christian Prayer Devotional
Vital Signs by Robin Cook- I have had Cook recommended to me multiple times as the go-to for medical thrillers. I found the hardcover for super cheap at a Library Book Sale and I had to buy it. Mystery/Thriller
Amazon by Peter Benchley- I found this and the cover is super duper cool. Horror Adventure
The Nightmare Chronicles by Douglas Clegg- I am always on the lookout for a short horror story collection. Horror Short Stories
Berserk by Tim Lebbon- This is my third book by him that I've bought this year and I still haven't read him to know if I will like him LOL Horror Zombies
Quenched by May Ann Mitchell- I have no clue what this book is besides knowing it has vampires in it. It doesn't have the best reviews, but I'll give it a shot. Horror Vampires
Blood Red by James A. Moore- This one sounds spooky and fun. Horror Vampires
Brain Child by John Saul- Saul is a very popular horror writer and I am curious to give him a go. Horror
Daughter of Darkness by Ed Gorman- This one has an interesting premise. Thriller/Horror
Black River Falls by Ed Gorman- I am obsessed with this cover. Horror
Seeing Beautiful Again: 50 Devotions to Find Redemption in Every Part of Your Story by Lysa TerKeurst- I love Lysa TerKeurst and her devotionals are always excellent. I can't wait to dive into this one. Christian Devotional
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix- I read this one as an audiobook back in December and I loved it so much! I knew I wanted to purchase the paperback to add to my Hendrix collection and when I saw it on sale at Target, I had to snag it. Horror Vampires 5 stars
Where Hope Comes From: Poems of Resilience, Healing and Light by Nikita Gill- This is a beautiful poetry collection with so many wonderful and beautiful poems. I highly recommend this if you haven't read it yet. Poetry 5 stars
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins- I have been hearing mixed things about this YA slasher for years, but a movie came out and I decided to pick it up. I was supposed to read it in October, but didn't get to it. YA Slasher Horror
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé- Everything about this book is a check on things I am interested in. I am so interested in this book and excited to read, but I am nervous and keep put off picking it up. YA Thriller
You Love Me by Caroline Kepnes- I loved this one so much more than Hidden Bodies. That sequel just didn't do it for me and I had some issues with it, but You Love Me was an absolute blast and being in Joe's head is always a wild and uncomfortable time. If you haven't listened to the You audiobooks, you absolutely need to! They are brilliant! Thriller 5 stars
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo- I love the Great Gatsby and I loved this retelling. Everything about this was beautiful, haunting, and a deep dive into the parts of Gatsby that are looking (because it's a very white story told from a very white lens). Having Jordan Baker be a Vietnamese orphan adopted by rich elites added a new layer and it was nice to see issues of 1920s America towards people of color. I also loved the weaving of paper and the sexuality of Gatsby and Nick being explored. Fantasy Retelling 5 stars
The Visitor by Sergio Gomez- I love horror novellas and I love alien stories. I read this for Christmas. It was fun. Horror Aliens 4 stars
Hagar, Naomi, and Rahab Known By Name Devotional Books by Kasey van Norman, Jada Edwards, and Nicole Johnson- I am in love with these covers and am really excited to dive into these devotional books. Christian Devotionals
All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts on Boundless Living by Morgan Harper Nichols- I am a fan of MHN's work on instagram and I loved this poetry collection. Super excited I found it for only $5. Poetry 5 stars
A Flexible Faith: Rethinking What It Means to Follow Jesus Today by Bonnie Kristian- I found this one in the Bargain Section at Mardel and it sounds incredibly interesting. Christian Nonfiction
Take It Too Far: Abundant Life, Boundless Love, Unending Grace by Jess Connolly- I had a ton of fun and a wonderful experience reading another devotional by Jess Connolly. I am excited to dive into this one and to see if I love it. Christian Devotional
Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose by Rebekah Lyons- I have been wanting to buy this book for years and I was so excited to find it for $3. What a steal! Christian Nonfiction
Inside Black Mirror by Charlie Brooker, Annabel Jones, & Jason Arnopp- I am still reading this one, but I am having fun learning all about the behind the scenes of Black Mirror. I watched all the seasons this year and finished them in June. I immediately purchased this book sometime after the third season watching. I love the complexities of each episode. (I just finished this in early January.) Nonfiction 4.5 stars
Survive the Night by Riley Sager- I read this in July and it was disappointing. My least favorite Sager novel to date. I originally gave it 3 stars, but I think I am going to drop it down. Thriller 2.5 stars
Camp Slaughter by Sergio Gomez- I have heard only amazing things about Sergio's book. I am so excited to read this one. I've heard it's wild. Horror Slasher
Rings by Kōji Suzuki This is a novel I know about because of the popular film. I tried to start reading it, but I got distracted and wasn't invested. I do plan to come back to it. Japanese Horror
Goblin by Josh Malerman- I have heard not so good things about the novellas in this one, but I am excited to read it anyway. Horror Short Stories
Kill Creek by Scott Thomas- I have heard great things about this, but I am aware it is extremely fatphobic, so I will be keeping that in mind. Horror
True Crime by Samantha Kolesnik- This was one recommended by Jordaline and it was a very emotional and hard to read horror novel. It's nice to read a feminist extreme horror novel because the genre is saturated with a hatred and disdain of women. Horror 4.5 stars
The Amulet by Michael McDowell- I fell in love with McDowell in 2021. He has written so many great novels. I have heard this one is violent and ghastly. I can't wait to read it and be blown away. Horror
Dead Leaves by Keelan Patrick Burke- I have heard good things about this author and this collection was super cheap on Amazon, so I bought it. Horror Short Stories
The October Boys by Adam Millard- I love the premise of this one, but everyone is saying it's boring. LOL Horror
Autumncrow by Cameron Chaney- I love Cameron's YouTube channel and I can't wait to read this collection. I have heard good things from multiple people. Horror Short Stories
The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson- I heard Kayla talk a ton about this one and I can't wait to check it out. Horror Novella
Kill River by Cameron Roubique- I am obsessed with Cameron's artwork. This was a fun slasher set at an waterpark, so it was different from the normal slasher settings. Horror Slasher 4 stars
Cirque Beserk by Jessica Guess- Slasher at a carnival! I also have listened to Jessica on The Pike Cast and she seems super cool, so I am excited to read her novel and support her. Horror
Shadow of the Vulture by Regina L. Marza Mitchell- Splatter Westerns?! Tell me that doesn't sound awesome. I want to dip my toe into this series and so I thought I would start with this one. Horror Western
The Night of the Solstice by L.J. Smith- I love Smith and this is a series I haven't read. My neighbor gifted this to me for free, so I am curious to check it out and see if it's good. YA Fantasy
BOOKS READ: 13/62 (21% read)
Need to Double Check:
The Disappeared
The Frighteners by Peter Laws- I started this one over the summer and got distracted. Love the concept and excited to dive back in. Nonfiction
The Silent Scream by Diane Hoh- I bought a giant box from EBAY of this series. I never read them, but I want to. It may be fun to attempt to read the whole series this year? YA Horror
The Roommate by Diane Hoh- This one is apparently ghost written. This is one of the few series that openly acknowledges being ghost written which is crazy to me. YA Horror
Deadly Attraction by Diane Hoh- This one is free on KU if you are interested in picking up some of this series. YA Horror
The Wish by Diane Hoh- Another KU title and I am obsessed with these older covers. The stepbacks are so good! YA Horror
The Scream Team by Diane Hoh- This cover is iconic. YA Horror
Guilty by Diane Hoh- This one freaks me out because her face looks super terrified. YA Horror
Pretty Please by Diane Hoh- This is my favorite cover and stepback in the series. OBSESSED. Also a KU title. YA Horror
The Experiment by Diane Hoh- So many spiders! YA Horror
The Night Walker by Diane Hoh- I feel like this is one of the more well-known covers. Also a KU title. YA Horror
Sorority Sister by Diane Hoh- This looks very Sweet Valley High. YA Horror
Last Date by Diane Hoh- I love the detail that went into these books. YA Horror
The Whisperer by Diane Hoh- I am going to go out on a limb here and say that if you have to cheat on a test in college then you probably should reconsider college. LOL YA Horror
Monster by Diane Hoh- I am obsessed with the stepback. This is also a KU title. YA Horror
Truth or Die by Diane Hoh- I don't have the 14th book, but I have the 15th. This is where my collection gets a little wild. YA Horror
The Vampire's Kiss by Diane Hoh- Book 22 and we skipped ahead. The good news is that most of the ones I am missing are on KU or I can buy the ebook. So yay! YA Horror
The Evil Moon by R.L. Stine- This is the first book in the Cataluna Chronicles. It's a bit harder to find, but it is not a very good trilogy. There are some fun moments to this one, but it's not an amazing Fear Street book. YA Horror 2 stars
The Patient by Jasper DeWitt- I have heard that this one is a ton of fun. I also do love books based off of No Sleep Reddit. Horror
The Night Sister by Jennifer McMahon- I enjoyed a McMahon book previously and would like to read more from her. This one sounds creepy. Horror
Come With Me by Ronald Malfi- I have heard nothing but positive things about Ronald Malfi in the Books of Horror FB group. I am even more excited to dive into this one and hope to get to it in March. Thriller/Horror
The Cipher by Kathe Koja- I have been wanting to read this book for over a year and finally found it a B&N and decided to purchase it. A horror classic. Horror
The Dead House by Billy O'Callaghan- I have never heard of this book or seen it before, but it was at B&N and set it was set in Ireland. I was sold and bought it. It doesn't take much. LOL Horror
Devils Within by S.F. Henson- This was in the adult horror section at B&N, but it is YA Contemporary about a serial killer. Odd lol YA Contemporary
Final Cuts by Ellen Datlow- I love Hollywood stories and I love horror. This is like the perfect mashup. Horror Short Stories
Eden by Tim Lebbon- I haven't read Lebbon yet, but I have somehow acquired a bunch of books by him. This one sounds the most interesting. Scifi Horror
The Best of Richard Matheson- I have been wanting to read some Matheson for a while and I love how this collection looks, so I picked it up. Horror Short Stories
Burn the Dark by S.A. Hunt- I found this at B&N and it sounds so awesome. Apparently this is a rerelease and they have changed the title. I love the new look! Horror Fantasy
The Mist by Stephen King- I love the movie for The Mist and this was good, but the ending of the movie is just so good. Horror 4.5 stars
The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass- I was so excited about this one and I didn't like it. There were a lot of things that I hated about it and making a school shooter sympathetic is not a good look. YA Horror 2 stars
Room Service by Maren Stoffels- This looks so good. It sounds like a ton of fun. I'm sure it'll be a quick read. YA Thriller/Horror
Fright Night by Marin Stoffels- I love the cover and the synopsis sounds like a wild ride. YA Horror
All Systems Red by Martha Wells- I read this when I had COVID in January and it was a fun audiobook to listen to. I probably won't keep my paperback though. I didn't love it that much. Scifi 4 stars
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire- I have heard nothing but hype for this one. I want to read it so bad, but I'm nervous and scared. Fantasy
The Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia- I am obsessed with this cover's rerelease. It looks so good. Tor is doing a great job at repacking Moreno-Garcia's works. Historical Fantasy Romance
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix- I am in the minority with being obsessed and loving this book. Most people seemed to not like it or hate it, but I loved it. It's not my favorite Hendrix, but it was so much FUN! Horror/Thriller 5 stars
Manfrone'; Or, the One-Handed Monk by Mary Anne Radcliffe- This is a Gothic piece of literature that is not well-known, but it is well-loved by those who were around for its release in 1809. Horror
Discernment by Jane Hamon- This one comes highly recommended and I am excited to dive into it. Christian Nonfiction
Fully Known by Mo Isom- I loved Mo's other nonfiction novel on sex and I can't wait to read another book by her. Christian Nonfiction
The Perfect Victim by David Sodergren- I have heard great things about this author, so I decided to order his most recent book to give him a shot. Horror
Tastes Like Candy by Ivy Tholen- I bought this because 1) a slasher 2) the cover. I was super excited to hear that Stephen Graham Jones loves this one. Can't wait to check it out. Horror
Stolen Songbird by Danielle Jensen- This is one of those books that I have wanted to read forever, but never purchased. I was in a fantasy mood after reading The Forbidden Game trilogy and it was recommended as books like it. Say less. Fantasy Romance
The Dollhouse Murders by Betty Ren Wright- This was one of my favorite books I read in fourth grade and I could never remember what it was called. I found it on Amazon and I am so excited to reread it. MG Mystery Horror
The Cheerleader by Caroline B. Cooney- Color me curious about a Conney vampire novel. I never found her to be a great writer as a kid. In fact, she was my least favorite, but I am hoping as an adult I will like her books. YA Horror
The Return of the Vampire by Caroline B. Cooney- The covers for these are really cool. YA Horror
The Vampire's Promise by Caroline B. Cooney- I hope I like this trilogy. YA Horror
The Drifter by Richie Tankersley Cusick- I love this cover and I am glad that I own most of her books now. It'll make it fun to read through her backlist. YA Horror
The Rats by James Herbert- I am terrified of rats and I have heard this one is a great one. Horror
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca- This was a quick novella that was disturbing, but had an unsatisfying unending. I enjoyed it, but I wanted more. Horror 4.25 stars
BOOKS READ: 6/49 (12% read)
The Inheritance of Orquidea Divina by Zoraida Cordova- I have heard this one hits horror, magical realism, and paranormal. It sounds like a fun time and I'm glad I chose it for my BOTM pick. Fantasy
We Were Never Here by Andrea Bartz- I can't wait to read this one. It sounds so fun! Thriller
Holier Than Thou by Jackie Hill Perry- I am really excited about this one. It's rare that I pre-order Christian books, but this was one that I could not wait for. Christian Nonfiction
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson- I enjoyed An Enchantment of Ravens and this one is highly recommended. YA Fantasy
Prom House by Chelsea Mueller- This one sounds like a ton of fun. I had heard Jordaline mention it in brief passing in a book haul and got excited when I saw it at B&N. YA Horror/Thriller
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone- This is a sci-fi novella that everyone and their mama is obsessed with on BookTube. I want to know if it's as good as everyone says. Scifi
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune- Everyone also raves about this one, but I am aware of what inspired this book- Residential Schools- and that is questionable. I will be open-minded though. Fantasy
The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden- This one sounds so good and like I will love it. I have heard it's boring, but I don't think I will be bored. I better not because I bought the entire trilogy. Fantasy
The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden- Sequel to The Bear and the Nightingale. This cover is so pretty. Fantasy
The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden- These covers are so pretty. They give me fantasy serotonin. Fantasy
Of One Blood: Or, the Hidden Self by Pauline Hopkins- Yes, I bought this earlier this year, but this edition is prettier. I will be donating my second edition. Horror Classic
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay- As popular as this book is, it's so hard to find. Before the last couple of months, I never saw this book at bookstores. Horror
The Broken Girls by Simone St. James- The Sun-Down Motel was one of my favorite books a few years ago. I have been meaning to read more by the author. She comes highly recommended. Thriller
Shutter by Melissa Larsen- Everything about this book sounds so freaking good. I am shocked I haven't picked it up yet. Don't know what's wrong with me. Thriller
Alice by Christina Henry- This Alice retelling has been on my TBR since before it came out. I love Christina Henry and need to read this series. Horror Fantasy
Looking Glass by Christina Henry- I am assuming that these novellas are read after the two books in the series, but if they can be read before or out of order, then let me know. Horror Fantasy
The Taker by Alma Katsu- This one sounds good and the cover is stunning. Fantasy
Miranda and Caliban by Jacqueline Carey- This is a retelling of Shakespeare's The Tempest and I am here for it. Fantasy
Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica- I know this is one I will like. It keeps getting recommended everywhere I look and turn since last year. I bought this with the intention to read it immediately, but you have to be in the right headspace to read about people being eaten like cows. Horror Dystopian
The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning- I love the title. This sounds so good and I am here for it. YA Fantasy Romance
The Perfect Place to Die by Bryce Moore- This H.H. Holmes horror. You know, the famous Murder Castle? YA Horror
Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake- This sounds like a profound and evocative novel on sexual assaults. YA Contemporary
The Tenth Girl by Sara Farring- This sounds very intriguing. Will it be good? Probably not, but I will read it anyway. YA Horror
The Chill by Scott Carson- This sounds like a fun spooky time. Horror
BOOKS READ: 0/22 (0%) LOL the month I buy the least books and I haven't read one of them yet.
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones- *hides in shame* I preordered this and got an ARC of it. Still haven't read it. Still one of my most anticipated reads. Horror
Black Girl, Call Home by Jasmine Mans- I found this poetry collection at Target and it looks excellent. Can't wait to read it. PoetryA Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson- This one has been recommended a ton on BookTube. I am curious about it. YA thrillers can either be great or a miss. YA Thriller
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson- A good witchy read sounds so much fun right now. Horror
Audrey Rose by Frank De Felitta- A well-known and loved Paperbacks from Hell. Excited I found it. Horror
The Killing Gift by Bari Wood- I am incredibly curious about Bari Wood considering she is a female horror author that virtually no one talks about. Horror
Bitter Blood by Karen E. Taylor- Apparently this is a sequel. I grabbed it because of the cover. Horror
Night Plague by Graham Masterton- This one also happens to be a third book in a series. This cover is stunning and creepy. Horror
The Other Side by Diana Henstell- A classic Paperbacks from Hell cover. Horror
Come Out Tonight by Richard Laymon- Laymon and I have a spotty history. I hated Endless Night with an endless passion, but I want to branch out and try more. Horror
Candles Burning by Michael McDowell and Tabitha King- This was started or drafted by McDowell and Tabitha King (Stephen King's wife) finished it. I can't wait to check it out. Horror
Chain Letter 2: The Ancient Evil by Christopher Pike- I own this one in Chain Letter bind-up, but I love the mass markets. They look so good. YA Horror
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno Garcia- I love this cover and it's about VAMPIRES. Say less. Horror
No One Gets Out Alive by Adam Nevill- This is one of the few books that genuinely has left me scared. After reading I was paranoid for several days. I was not doing good afterward. LOL Horror 4.25 stars
My Greenhouse by Bella Mayo- I started this and got distracted. I need to finish it. Poetry
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt- I have heard only good things about this book and that cover is GORGEOUS. Horror
Horseman by Christina Henry- I love Christina Henry and I was super excited to get this one. Horror
Wrong Number 2 by R.L. Stine- I ended up enjoying The Wrong Number when I reread it last year and now I can't wait to check out the sequel. YA Thriller
College Weekend by R.L. Stine- I read this one and remember being a fan of it. It's harder to find, but I found it! YA Thriller
Missing by R.L. Stine- Even though I have this one in the bind-up of the first four books, I am glad I found a copy relatively cheap. Not a favorite in the series, but I love collecting the original covers. YA Thriller 2 stars
The Stepsister 2 by R.L. Stine- I remember hating these two books as a kid, but I loved this cover for some reason. YA Thriller
Broken Hearts by R.L. Stine- I bought a bigger paperback of this one earlier in 2021, but I prefer the massmarkets, so I gave my other copy to my classroom library. YA Thriller
First Date by R.L. Stine- A classic Fear Street and one I remember gobbling up in my early introduction to the series. It's a fun time. I can't wait to revisit this one. YA Thriller
The Thrill Club by R.L. Stine- This is one I can't remember reading and I don't think I did, but I want to. YA Horror
Night Games by R.L. Stine- This cover is UGLY. I can't remember if I read this one. It doesn't look familiar, but it does at the same time. YA Thriller
Killer's Kiss by R.L. Stine- Finally got an old school copy. I love the skull cover, but I wanted the original in my collection. YA Thriller 4 stars (read twice)
The Dare by R.L. Stine- This one has a cheesy cover and I don't ever hear much about it. YA Thriller
High Tide by R.L. Stine- This is a hard one to track down, but I found it! VICTORY! YA Thriller
Trapped by R.L. Stine- This is a book that costs a ton and I remember getting it from the library when I was younger and being obsessed with it. It was one of my faves of the series. YA Horror
Goodnight Kiss by R.L. Stine- I think I read the first one, but I can't remember if I read the second or both when I was younger. I was obsessed with vampires in fifth-sixth grade and was in my peak Twilight YA phase. YA Paranormal
All-Night Party by R.L. Stine- I read the ugly cover with the girls dancing in tight pants on the cover. I remember thinking this one is ridiculous. I am sure I will think the same upon reread. haha YA Thriller
BOOKS READ: 3/31 (10% read) I have technically read almost all of these previously, but I am only counting it as read if it has been recent.
Paradise Club by Tim Meyer- I have heard nothing about good things from people on BookTube about this one. I am super excited to check it out. Horror Slasher
Gwen, in Green by Hugh Zachary- I love collecting the Paperbacks from Hell books and I was so excited to get this one. Horror
Blood on the Tracks Volume 1-6 by Shuzo Oshimi- Jordaline Reads kept talking about this one and I couldn't not check it out. I am so glad I did. I am obsessed with this series. It's super dark and weird and psychological unsettling. Horror Manga 5 stars
The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates- I have wanted to read some more Darcy Coates and this is one that I have heard good things about. Horror
Revelator by Daryl Gregory- This is such a beautiful book, but the summary is so weird. I have heard no one talk about this and bought it on a whim. Hoping it's a good one. Horror
Tomie by Junji Ito- I was super excited to buy this one and read it. It's a good one and I loved it, but I get why it doesn't work for everyone. Horror Manga 5 stars
The Ex-Hex by Erin Sterling- I was supposed to read this in October and then November and by the time December came, I wasn't in the mood for it. Paranormal Romance
Velvet was the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia- I got this one as an add on for BOTM because I wanted to get it when it was cheap as opposed to later paying full price. Historical Mystery
The Perishing by Natasha Deon- I never heard of this before it went up on BOTM and it sounded interesting. I have heard bad things about it though since then. Historical Fantasy
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio- I have only heard amazing things about this one. This is a novel that people love wholeheartedly. Mystery (Dark Academia)
Follow Me to Ground by Sue Rainsford- I am so happy I just read this one. It was amazing and weird. Exactly the type of story and writing that I tend to be obsessed with. Horror Fantasy 5 stars
None Shall Sleep by Ellie Harney- YA serial killers like Silence of the Lambs. Say less. YA Thriller
White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson- I loved Grown and this one sounds like a fun time. I didn't pick it up as soon as I thought I would because I have heard mix things about the ending and premise. YA Horror
Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson- I enjoyed An Enchantment of Ravens and wanted to pick up her newest book as well. YA Fantasy
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff- People either really love this book or hate it. I want to know where I stand. Fantasy
A Deal with the Elf King by Elise Kova- I love a good fantasy romance. I love this kind of stuff. Light magic with a lot of romantic tension. Enemies to lovers. I don't read romance often, but when I do this is the stuff. Fantasy Romance 4.25 stars
A Deal with the Fae Prince by Elise Kova- I am in the mood for this one. Will be picking it up soon. Fantasy Romance
The Hunger by Alma Katsu- Donner Party horror= YAS! I heard some good things on the Books in the Freezer Podcast and I'm intrigued. Horror
Cackle by Rachel Harrison- I went to the bookstore just to buy this new release. It was such a fun witchy read. Also the main character is an English teacher. Loved that! Witchy, But Not Horror 4.5 stars
Reprieve by James Han Mattson- I heard about this in a BOTM prediction and immediately thought yes to escape room plot. I'm glad I bought this because Kayla at BooksandLala enjoyed it. Horror
The Seven Visitations of Sydney Burgess by Andy Marino- I had briefly heard of this and it's a house invasion thriller with a paranormal twist. Sounds fun! Horror
Pearl by Josh Malerman- I love this cover so much. I have heard mixed things, but I can't wait to read it. Horror
Maledictions Horror Anthology- I have heard no one talk about this, but it has sprayed red edges and is horror short stories. I love that stuff. Horror Short Stories
flower crowns & fearsome things by amanda lovelace- I love poetry and I love buying poetry from Target. Poetry
i am the rage by Martina McGowan- I hadn't heard of this poetry collection until I saw it at Target and it was nominated for a GR Choice Awards, so that was cool to see. Poetry
Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough- Everyone has read this one, but me. I am late to the party. Thriller
Little Girls by Ronald Malfi- The Books of Horror group loves Ronald Malfi. I now have this one on hold for when I binge read him. Horror
Flowers for the Sea by Zim E. Rocklyn- I love horror novellas, cosmic horror, and Black fiction. Everything about this was so good. So excellent. I've heard only a few people talk about it. This is me urging you to read this in 2022. Horror 4.5 stars
Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw- Everyone was talking about how much they hated this and I was scared because I pre-ordered it. I did not hate it, but I didn't love. It was like reading a Facebook post following the haunted mansion chronicles of messy college students. Horror 3.5 stars
She Kills Me by Jennifer Wright- I don't know where I heard about this, but I preordered it. LOL True Crime
BOOKS READ: 12/35 (34% I feel accomplished because I have read a lot of these books.
The Keeper of the Night by Kylie Lee Baker- I also have an audiobook ARC of this one. I need to get it to it ASAP. YA Fantasy
We Need to Do Something by Max Booth III- I loved this book. It was so good. I generally love the things GabbyReads does and this was a recommendation that I had heard from no one until she talked about. I was instantly sold and I am so glad I read it. LOVED IT. Horror 5 stars
Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell- Another book Gabby convinced me to order right there. I actually had this book in my Amazon cart for months, but her vlog when she read it made me buy it then and there. I then joined Books of Horror and they love this book in that group. It's everywhere. I loved the atmosphere and the spooky vibes were immaculate. Horror 5 stars
The Messy Man by Chris Sorensen- I heard Rachel from Shades of Orange talk about this trilogy and I thought I bought the first book, but this the third one. I will have to get the others. LOL I felt so dumb when I realized I ordered the wrong book. Horror
Hide and Seeker by Daka Hermon- I am so excited to read this one. I have heard great things about it. MG Horror
Comfort Me with Apples by Catherynne M. Valente- I absolutely loved this one. I read it because BooksandLala did a spoiler vlog on it and I was not getting spoiled. I read my pre-order and it was 10/10. A great novella full of allusions and chilling commentary. Horror 5 stars
The Store by Bentley Little- I was excited to read this one because it sounded like a store that was similar to Needful Things, but a bigger department store. It was incredibly too sexual and the ending was not good. Disappointed. Horror 2 stars
Kill River 2 by Cameron Roubique- I enjoyed Kill River and want to continue with the trilogy. I am not really wanting to finish currently, but I think I will be in the mood this summer. I tend to like slashers during the summer months. Horror
Kill River 3 by Cameron Roubique- I love the artwork for this series. Horror
When the Reckoning Comes by LaTanya McQueen- I wanted to read this before the GR Awards announced the horror winners, but I didn't find it quick enough. Still am super excited to read this one. Horror
Slender Man- I love a creepy pasta and this looks good. Definitely want something like this after reading Stolen Tongues. Horror
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno- Kayla and Gabby liked this one and I've heard things in Books of Horror. This cover trips me out when I look at it though. Horror
Don't Move by James S. Murray and Darren Wearmouth- This cover glows in the dark, y'all. The plot also sounds really great. I am very interested and intrigued. Horror
Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge- I had heard Savanna mention this one and then found it at B&N and now it's going to be a movie. Sounds like a ton of fun! Horror
The Conductors by Nicole Glover- This one sounds so good. I am intrigued and the cover is gorgeous. Historical Fantasy
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin- I enjoyed The Stepford Wives by Levin, so I think I will enjoy this class as well. Horror
Ice by Anna Kavan- I found this one buried in the stacks at B&N and it sounded so good. I saw Juan from Plagued by Visions talk positively about it and I'm glad I bought it. Scifi Classic
The Wise Friend by Ramsey Campbell- I have heard great things about Campbell and he is quite beloved. Horror
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado- I enjoyed Machado's In the Dream House and have been wanting to read this short story collection for years. I was excited to see it out in the wild at my local B&N. Short Stories
Vampire Never Get Old Anthology- I love vampires and short stories. This cover is also iconic. YA Paranormal Short Stories
Floating Dragon by Peter Straub- Straub is well known and loved in the horror genre and I am excited to check out his stuff. Horror
Where They Wait by Scott Carlson- I wasn't too interested in this one, but Kayla and Gabby sold me on it. Horror
Survivor Song by Paul Tremblay- I love the cover for this one and I know it's gotten bad reviews, but I want to know where I stand with it. Horror
The Haunted by Bentley Little- Considering how The Store went I am unsure whether Little is for me. I will give another shot with this one and hope for the best. Horror
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe- This has been on my TBR since 2015 because I've heard things about how obscene it gets. Horror
The Cursed by Elley Cooper- I really enjoy the Creepshow series, so I want to check out some of the novels they are putting out. YA Horror
The Taker by Elley Cooper- Another Creepshow novel. YA Horror
Harrow the Ninth by Tasmyn Muir- I have heard negative things about Gideon the Ninth recently and now I am scared I will hate both of these. *sobs* Horror Scifi
Weaveworld by Clive Barker- I have only heard praise for Barker and I have been collecting his books. Hopefully this is the year I start reading him. Horror Fantasy
Redshirts by John Scalzi- I have heard great things about Scalzi and this is one of his most beloved books. I definitely want to check it out. Scifi
The Little Sleep by Paul Tremblay- This is Tremblay's mystery work, but I am curious about it. Mystery
No Sleep Till Wonderland by Paul Tremblay- I didn't realize this was a sequel to The Little Sleep, but I should have because they have similar cover designs. Mystery
BOOKS READ: 4/33 (12% read and even though it's not a lot the ones I have read so far were amazing)
Thirteen Anthology- I never heard of or read these growing up and I listened to the episode of Teen Creeps on it and was instantly like I NEED THIS. YA Horror Short Stories
Razorblade Tears by S.A. Cosby- This is one that every loved last year. I gotta get on it. Starting it today. Thriller
A History of Wild Places by Shea Ernshaw- I have heard hit or miss things about this one, but the premise sounds so good. I am intrigued. Mystery/Fantasy
A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham- This is set in Louisiana and I have heard from fellow Louisianans it is TRASH. I will give it a shot. Mystery
Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant- I loved Into the Drowing Deep and this one has some creepy moments. Not as amazing, but a great killer mermaid story. Horror 4.5 stars
How to Breathe by Ashley Neese- I got this as a Christmas gift. I've started it, but haven't made much progress yet. Nonfiction CR
The Art of Goosebumps- I love Goosebumps and Tim Jacobus's art is ICONIC. This was a ton of fun. Nonfiction 5 stars
True Crime Story by Joseph Nox- I am curious about this one. I've heard it's fiction that reads like true crime. Sounds fun. Thriller
The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin- I have the pretty hardcover covered in flowers that I saw Kayla have and I am obsessed with it. YA Fantasy
Some Things I Still Can't Tell You by Misha Collins- This was a nice poetry collection from Misha from Supernatural I enjoyed it. It was not spectacular, but I enjoyed it. Poetry 3.5 stars
The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Bibliophila- I love a good sticker and these are gorgeous.
The All-Consuming World by Cassandra Khaw- I did enjoy Khaw's writing in Nothing but Blackened Teeth and I am interested in this one. Scifi
Getaway by Zoje Stage- This one sounds like a ton of fun and I can't wait for a wild ride. Horror
The Terror by Dan Simmons- I am currently reading this. It's huge, but I am enjoying the atmosphere. Historical Horror
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones- This cover is stunning and I know nothing about it. YA Horror Fantasy
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid- I love the cover for this one and it sounds so wonderful. A good fantasy time. Fantasy
Contact by Carl Sagan- This is a well known scifi novel about aliens. Say less. That's my kind of story. Scifi
All's Well by Mona Awad- I love Bunny. I just reread it and it made me realize I love Awad's writing. Horror
BOOKS READ: 3/19 (16% I haven't read a lot of these, but I am excited about all of them.)
I have read 41 books that I bought last year. There are so many I can't wait to read. Which books should I move up to my to read list? Let me know down below in the comments.