Red Riding Hood by Lydia L. Very
3 stars
Everyone knows the tale of Red Riding Hood. It is a story my mom used to read before bed and it was one of my favorites. There are many different variations and retellings of this famous fairy tale. I have read many and seen many films based on it. Red Riding Hood is a childhood favorite and I like retellings. This is a really short story and it took me under twenty minutes to read. I wouldn’t call this retelling a story; it’s more of a poem. Well, actually it is a poem. I quite like it. The writing flows nicely and it doesn’t feel choppy like some poems do.
“The tall old trees above them
Their winter fire supplied
When Autumn’s flaming sunsets
From their red leaves had died.”
I particularly like this quote. It’s all very well written. There are a few grammatical errors that wouldn’t have bothered me if they weren’t such elementary mistakes. I stress that writers and editors should know the difference between bye and by and faggot and fagot.
Red Riding Hood is quite naïve. She is the representation of every child. One who listens to their mother, does good deeds, and doesn’t question the world.
“And beautiful as good,
With daily acts of kindness,
Little Red Riding Hood.”
Red Riding isn’t the smartest child in the world and she is all too trusting of people, but I like the simplicity of her character and her representation of all children.
The wolf is quite creepy. He probably wouldn’t have bothered me if he hadn’t said, “Take off your clothes my darling.” (Of course, Red Riding Hood does.) I don’t really care what he represents other than the fact that he creeped me out and I wouldn’t have stuck around long enough to take off my clothes.
“And she said the fright had taught her
To mind her mother dear.
Then listen, all ye children,
And mind you mother’s word!
For the great WOLF, men call EVIL
Is prowling round unheard!”

I think I’ll listen to my mother more often.
I have never read a retelling of this one, but I watched the movie with Amanda Seyfried Shilo Fernandez and loved it!
ReplyDeleteI love that movie! It's so good and... hot!
DeleteI love this story so much! It's my favorite fairy tale out there! Retells just don't beat the original at all.
ReplyDeleteI'M SO HAPPY YOU AER BACK, SARAH!!! It's okay I had midterms too, but we call it Finals instead. And it sucked cause I was sick. TT ^ TT i bet you did amazing with finals, Sarah. And MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS!!!
They don't! I do love a good retelling though.
DeleteThank you, Delaney! I'm glad to be back! It's great to be writing reviews again.:) Merry Christmas to you!