Hi, everyone! I'm back with another video talking about some of the books I read in 2017.

Everything, Everything- Nicola Yoon 2 stars Meh. I was not a fan of this one at all. I can see why people like it a lot because the format is cute, but the story itself has some problems.
Sweetlings by Lucy Taylor- 4.25 stars This Tor Short is a lot of fun and I was really surprised by the story. Highly recommend! Check out my review here.
5 to 1 by Holly Bodger- DNF @ 15% 2 stars The premise was interesting, but the formatting and writing style just wasn't for me. Check out my review here.
The Iron Butterfly by Chanda Hahn- 2.25 stars This was a really cliched YA paranormal romance. It wasn't what I was hoping it would be. I'm pretty unimpressed by it and don't plan on continuing the series.
Ride Me Hard- Shari Slade 1.5 stars This one wasn't for me, but it was a quick Kindle freebie. Check out my review here.
Break Me In- Shari Slade 1 star I thought the first book was bad, but this book is 100 times worse. It's misogynistic, offensive to women, and romanticizes things that should not be romanticized. Check out my review here.
Have you read any of these novels? What are some books that let you down recently? Let me know down below in the comments.
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