Hi, everyone!! This is the last video of the reviews consisting of the books I read in 2017. All my videos from here on out will be 2018 reads!

Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts edited by David Baggett 2 stars This collection is sadly swamped by inadequate essays that jump the gun on the overall context of the Harry Potter series. This only follows the first five books and that is this collection's weakest point. Out of the sixteen chapters, I only recommend seven of them. It was kind of a bust. Check out my review here.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik 5 stars I absolutely loved this one. I know it's not a favorite for a lot of people, but for me it was the kind of fantasy mixed with horror that I enjoy immensely. I can't recommend this one enough. Check out my review here.
The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey 3.25 stars This one had a lot of potential, but fell short for me. It was fun, but I wasn't absolutely enthralled by it at all times. However, the zombie takedown scene that occurs early on in the novel was one of the best aspects of this novel. Check out my review here. (I received this book for review from the publishers.)
Recommend the Most:
Uprooted!! It's about a wood that can possess people and houses praying mantises that eat people.
Books Reviewed: 3
Books Rated Over 4 stars: 1
New Favorites: 1
Books That Changed My Life: 1
Owned: 2 physical
Books Rated Over 4 stars: 1
New Favorites: 1
Books That Changed My Life: 1
Owned: 2 physical
Have you read any of these books? Do you plan to? If you have read them, what were your thoughts? Let me know down below in the comments!
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