Hey, everyone! Normally I post the ARCs that I have for the month at the end of my wrap-ups, but I am super busy with adjusting to teaching online and we are about to make the transition back to hybrid, so I wanted to put all the ARCs that I need to read and keep track of in one post. This is more for me and my brain, but I also wanted to highlight some new releases that you may or may not know about.

It Came From the Multiplex: Horror short stories CR (loving it!)
Ever After: YA Graphic Novel 5 stars!! LOVED THIS!
Moon Lake: Horror Graphic Novel
What They Meant for Evil: Christian Nonfiction
You Are Invited: Horror
A Neon Darkness: Scifi
Some Are Always Hungry: Poetry
Is God Speaking to Me?: Christian Devotional
Hench: Scifi
One by One: Mystery/Thriller
Deadly Waters: Mystery/Thriller
The Paper Boat: Children Nonfiction
Might from the Margins: Christian Nonfiction
The Seventh Perfection: Fantasy
Comanche: Western Horror Thriller
The Phlebotomist: Scifi
A Dance with Fate: Fantasy (Sequel to the Harp of Kings)
And Now She's Gone: Mystery/Thriller
Dangerous Virtues: Christian Nonfiction
The House That Fell from the Sky: Horror
The PVRITAN: Horror
Everything You Hold Dear: Poetry
Historically Inaccurate: YA Contemporary
Fear Gone Wild: Christian Nonfiction
Becoming Elisabeth Elliot: Christian Nonfiction
The Four Profound Weaves: Fantasy
A Flood of Posies: Fantasy
God, Himself: Christian Nonfiction
Depart, Depart!: Horror
Throwaway Girls: YA Mystery/Thriller
The Loop: Mystery/Thriller
Monstre: Horror
The Bass Rock: Literary Fiction (Magical Realism elements)
The Forgotten Kingdom: Historical Fiction
The Trials of Koli: Scifi (Sequel to Book of Koli)

Maurice and His Dictionary: Children Nonfiction 3 stars (I really liked this one and I learned a lot about a part of history during WWII that I wasn't aware of!)
Black Sun: Fantasy
In Full Bloom: Christian Nonfiction
Mary: YA Graphic Novel
They Never Learn: Mystery/Thriller
Pearl in the Sand: Christian Fiction
Surviving the Angel of Death: YA Nonfiction
Flowers on the Moon: Poetry
African American Poetry: Poetry
Cardiff, by the Sea: Mystery/Thriller Novellas
Over the Woodward Wall: Fantasy
Recognize Fascism: Scifi Short Stories
Attack Surface: Scifi Mystery
Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire: Horror Short Stories
The Hollow Places: Horror
The Most Beautiful Thing: Children Nonfiction
Chasing Perfect: Christian Nonfiction
Invisible Girl: Mystery/Thriller
Invisible Differences: Graphic Novels
The Phantom of the Opera: Classic Graphic Novel (I want to read the original work alongside of it)
Tozer on the Holy Spirit: Christian Devotional
Night Train: Horror
Dead End Drive: Horror
The Midnight Circus: Fantasy
Midwinter Murder: Mystery/Thriller
The Haunting of Beatrix Greene: Horror
Whiteland: Horror
Kingdom Encounters: Christian Nonfiction
The Courage to Stand: Christian Nonfiction
Moriarty the Patriot Volume 1: Manga Mystery Thriller
The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass: YA Fantasy
Eventide: YA Fantasy
A Golden Fury: YA Fantasy
How to Break an Evil Curse: YA Fantasy

September Love: Poetry
Mermaid Saga Collector's Edition Vol. 1: Horror Manga
Odessa: YA Graphic Novel
The Bright and Breaking Sea: Fantasy
The Girl Who Wasn't There: YA Mystery/Thriller
The Thirty Names of Night: Literary Fiction

Crosshairs: Scifi
The Blade Between: Horror
A Wolf for a Spell: Children Fantasy
What She Found in the Woods: YA Mystery/Thriller
Admission: YA Contemporary
Take It Back: Mystery/Thriller
Hatch: YA Scifi (sequel to Bloom)
Are you excited for any of these new releases? I'm behind because I was sick and now I'm like why??!!! Let me know which books I should prioritize or that you can't wait to read in the comments!