Hey, everyone! I have a confession. I can't stop buying books. I don't think I even want to if I'm being honest. Buying books is such a relaxing form for me to destress and it's something I've done since I was in middle school when I would buy books from Walmart with my allowance. I love book buying because I love collecting. This year I've expanded a lot of my horror collection because I've discovered over the last couple of years that it's my genre. So, here are the books I've bought in the last three months. It's a lot!

The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury- I love Bradbury and so I wanted some more of his stuff.
The October Country by Ray Bradbury- I should definitely read this in October. haha
Little Heaven by Nick Cutter- I loved The Troop, so I needed to own all of Nick Cutter's horror novels.
The Deep by Nick Cutter- I'm so obsessed with the concept of this. It sounds AMAZING.
Nightmare Flower by Elizabeth Engstrom- I love collecting the Monster, She Wrote books from Valancourt. I'm obsessed.
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler- Pretty sure this is the last book I had to buy for Butler (except for Survivor, which I'm currently hunting down a copy).
Creepshow by Stephen King- This is a fun comic collection of horror stories. I enjoyed them and thought it was a spooky time. 4 stars
Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess- I have always wanted to read this book and while I kind of hate the movie I'm hoping for a better reading experience.
Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier- I love Marillier and I am now trying to collect them all. This one seems to be a Beauty and the Beast retelling.
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier- I want to read this SOON. It sounds sooooo good.
The Last Final Girl by Stephen Graham Jones- SGJ is one of my favorite authors. Last year was so exciting because I discovered his awesome books! Elizabeth by Ken Greenhall- I bought some Greenhall books. I've heard he is so good.
Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link- I heard that Link's short story collection is strong, so I want to check it out.
Katie by Michael McDowell- This follows a serial killing family and Katie kills with a hammer while being psychic. It was a fun historical horror novel. 4 stars
Hell Hound by Ken Greenhall- I have always wanted to read this book and Paperbacks from Hell just reminded me of it.
Hope, Grace, & Faith by Leah Messer- Yes I am Teen Mom 2 trash. I love that show. When the first two seasons dropped on Netflix it revived my love for it. This book was a great look into Leah's life. Trigger warning for basically everything. Her life growing up was very traumatic. 4.5 stars
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier- I now own two Du Maurier books. I am fascinated by her work, but have yet to pick her up. Hope to remedy that soon.
Breeding Evil by Liz Wolfe- The edition I found of this book looks brand spanking new and while it's not apart of the 80s horror boom, it does sound interesting.
Twins by Bari Wood and Jack Geasland- Apparently, Bari Wood is a woman! I didn't know this. I also didn't realize this was same author of The Tribe, but now I'm excited
A Fragrant Death by by Christina Blake- Old school horror paperback from the 80s!Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite- Vampires and Poppy Z. Brite?! Sounds like a dream! I can't wait to read this one.
The Axman Cometh by John Farris- I love the story of the Axman because it is a genuinely horrifying time in New Orleans history. I can't wait to read it.
Majestic by Whitley Strieber- Aliens! I have heard this guy is WILD and truly believes he was abducted by aliens. Naturally, I have to read all of his books.
The Swarm by Arthur Herzog III- I am super excited that I found this one. I'm pretty sure it's a first edition, but I have looked at it too hard!
The Green Train by Herbert Lieberman- I love the synopsis of this one.
A Pictorial History of Horror Stories: 200 Years of Illustrated from the Pulp Magazines by Peter Haining, Mary Blyfield, and Margaret Brundage- This is such a fun find. I am super excited about it.
Monster by Christopher Pike- I'm super excited to read this one and I can't wait to finally read it. CURRENTLY READING
The Midnight Club by Christopher Pike- I'm currently reading this one and it's AMAZING so far. Wow, I can't believe this was one of the few I never read. I love it. UPDATE: It was perfect. 5 stars.
Die Softly by Christopher Pike- I love this cover. I remember loving this book when I was in middle school. Wondering if it holds up.
Last Act by Christopher Pike- I owned this one, never read it, sold it to a used bookstore, and then rebought from the bookstore. I'm weird like that.
Whisper of Death by Christopher Pike- I loved this book back in the day and the cover. Perfect. One of the best.
The Immortal by Christopher Pike- I've never read this one or seen it in person before, so I was super excited to pick up a copy.
Cursed by R.L. Stine- This is a bind up of the first three novels in the Fear Street Sagas. I've read House of Whispers and Forbidden Secrets. I love this series a lot, so I'm excited to revisit it.
Mermaid Saga Collector's Edition Volume 1 by Rumiko Takahashi- I am still yelling from the rooftops about this manga. Everyone needs to go read it. 5 stars
Weird Women: Classic Supernatural Fiction by Groundbreaking Female Writers, 1852-1923- I am super intrigued by this collection. A lot of them are quite famous writers who usually are more well-known for fiction outside of horror.
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson- I am collecting all of Jackson's work and I think this is one of my favorite covers.
The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn- I finally bought a book by Ahlborn! I've been wanting to read her forever. Can't wait to check this one out.
The Hollowed Places by T. Kingfisher- I know BooksandLala loved this one and I got an ARC of it, but didn't get around to reading it, so I thought I would buy a copy.
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher- I am really interested in checking Kingfisher out and this one intrigues me.
The Haunted by Danielle Vega- After reading Survive the Night in January, I really want to read more by Vega.
The Apartment by S.L. Grey- I found this at B&N and I had never heard of it, but it looked interesting. I've been hearing about it since I purchased it, so I'm curious.
Gideon the Ninth by Tasmyn Muir- I have heard so many wonderful things about this book. I hope I love it, too!
Just After Sunset by Stephen King- I love a good King short story collection. I have collected a couple of them, but it's been a while since I read some. I need to dive in soon!
The Fisherman by John Langan- Jobis89 loves this and has hyped it up on her instagram. I was super stoked to find a copy at B&N.
Books of Blood: Volumes One to Three by Clive Barker- I have not read any Barker which is surprising because I love horror, horror short stories, and vintage horror. I'm behind on the times. But now I own one of his books, so I am one step closer to probably reading him one day.
Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King- I read this one back in the day and liked it. I am hoping to read this one ASAP. I keep going to start it and then changing my mind. I don't know why.
Simply Spirit-Filled: Experiencing God in the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit by Andrew K. Gabriel- My friends and I were reading this one, but we had to pause it for apartment hunting. Hoping we finish this one soon.
All That's Good: Reclaiming the Lost Art of Discernment by Hannah Anderson- I have heard great things about this one and now I have a physical copy and the ebook.
We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis by Mary DeMuth- I started reading the ARC of this one and something came up and I just didn't finish it. Glad I have a finished copy.
No Other Gods: Confronting Our Modern Day Idols by Kelly Minter- I read the first three chapters of this and was really digging it and again I got distracted and didn't finish it.
Pearl in the Mist by Tessa Afshar- I am super duper excited to read this one. It sounds amazing and the cover is STUNNING.
53 books purchased in January
Books I've Read So Far:
Cold Moon Over Babylon
Hope, Grace, & Faith
The Midnight Club
Mermaid Saga Collector's Edition Volume 1
Currently Reading:
Simply Spirit-Filled
No Other Gods

The Project by Courtney Summers- I loved this book. I pre-ordered it and flew through it in a couple of days during the snow storm that struck in February. 5 stars
The Dead Hours of Night by Lisa Tuttle- Another preorder! I love the Monster, She Wrote collection that Valancourt is producing and I am obsessed with the cover. Lisa Tuttle has some great short stories and I really enjoyed A Nest of Nightmares, so I'm excited to pick this one up.
Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson- 5 stars This book was AMAZING. So hard-hitting and the topic is one that I'm happy to see covered in a YA novel. Planning to buy a copy for my classroom. 5 stars
Women of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study by Ann Spangler & Jean E. Syswerda- I am reading another book by Spangler and am loving it. Super excited to have this one on hand for whenever I can dig into it.
Girl A by Abigail Dean- I decided to pick this for BOTM pick for February and I have heard it is very hard to read, so I'm waiting until the right time.
The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin- I decided to add this as a BOTM add-on and I'm super excited because Jemisin's books all sound so good and I loved Emergency Skin by her.
The 260 Journey by Tim Dilena- I love Pastor Tim! He was my Pastor for about three years and I am super excited to read his book.
Mermaid Saga Collector's Edition Volume 2 by Rumiko Takahashi- Did I mention I love Mermaid Saga? This was so good! While I didn't love it as much as volume 1 because I don't have the conclusion I need; this was still a wonderful collection. 4.5 stars
What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo- This book was absolutely fantastic. I love dark fantasy and horror melded together, so this one just WORKED for me. I know that others may not care for it, but I loved it. 5 stars
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas- Gosh, it's been so long since I've read a ACOTAR book, but I am ready for this one!
The Boy Next Door by R.L. Stine- This was my favorite Fear Street book when I was growing up. I loved this one a ton. Can't wait to reread it!
The New Year's Party by R.L. Stine- Another one I have fond memories of growing up. Also, the cover is epic.
Red Sister, Grey Sister, Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence- I have heard amazing things about this trilogy and I can't wait to dive in. Also the cover for Grey Sister is amazing!
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman- I love Gaiman's writing. I've been wanting to read this forever and finally decided to buy a copy. I can't wait!
Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor- I love Okorafor's books and I'm super hype for this!
The Princess Beard by Delilah S. Dawson & Kevin Hearne- Apparently this is sequel, but you don't have to read the others, so I'm going to dive into this one when I'm in the mood for a fantasy satire!
Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery- I need to keep reading this series. I've read Anne of Green Gables like three or four times, but have yet to continue the series.
Agnes at the End of the World by Kelly McWilliams- I love this cover and while I haven't heard amazing things about it, I wanted to buy my own copy to give it a shot.
Bright We Burn by Kiersten White- I have been meaning to finish the trilogy for forever and now that I own the rest of the books I have no excuses.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte- I have never read Jane Eyre. I am an oddball when it comes to reading. I know I would probably like it, but I just never bought a copy of it.
House of Shadows and House of Secrets by Darcy Coates- I am collecting all of Coates books. Despite not having read any of them yet. Don't judge me.
Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark- I am so excited to read this one! If the KKK was demons. I mean they basically are, but I am here for this type of allegorical horror novel.
Cujo by Stephen King- I have been wanting to own this book for a while and I finally found a copy at my bookstore. For some reason this is one of those famous King novels that they never have.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson- I am not a fan of this cover, but the edition I got was super cheap so EH.
The Merciless by Danielle Vega- AHHH! A good cover for this book that doesn't just involve pentagrams. Seriously this series is so unimaginative when it comes to covers. I finally got a copy that I like! Can't wait to read this one.
The Loch by Steve Alten- I love the Loch Ness monster myth and I love cryptozoology fiction. It's some of my favorite tropes.
The Rising: The Newsflash Trilogy by Mira Grant- I love Seanan McGuire and the one Mira Grant book I've read was amazing. Can't wait to read these books!
Voices in the Snow and Secrets in the Dark by Darcy Coates- I love both of these covers. The other two books in the series look completely different in tone, but I haven't bought those yet.
32 books bought in February
Books I've Read So Far:
The Project
Mermaid Saga Collector's Edition Volume 2
What Big Teeth

One Evil Summer by R.L. Stine- CHRISSY! I will never forget this villain. Can't wait to revisit this one!
Into the Dark by R.L. Stine- Another one of my favorites of the Fear Street series. This one had a twist that I remember loving and being shocked by (I, surprisingly, still remember the twist). Can't wait to reread this one!
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo- I finally have the entire Six of Crows duology and now I can read it. I was supposed to pick this one up in March, but didn't get to it. Hopefully I can during April or May.
Burning Girls and Other Stories by Veronica Schanoes- I really enjoyed Schanoes' story "Among the Thorns" and I want to dive into her collection. Hoping to love this one.
The Last Apothecary by Sarah Penner- I am obsessed with this cover. The story sounds a lot like Aqua Tofana and if you have never seen Bailey Sarian's video on that case then go find it!
We Could Be Heroes by Mike Chen- David Bowie song anybody? I decided to add this as an add-on for BOTM. I don't know why I did, but it sounds like a fun science fiction novel.
The Bishop of Hell and Other Stories by Marjorie Bowen- I love the cover of this one! I am excited to check Bowen's writing out. I accidentally pre-ordered the paperback instead of the hardback, but I really like the material of this one so I will keep it!
Sheets by Brenna Thummler- I got the ARC of the sequel and didn't realize Delicates was a sequel, so I bought a copy of Sheets and I really enjoyed it. 4 stars
More Than a Carpenter by Josh and Sean McDowell- My mom picked a free copy of this up for at church. I heard Josh McDowell speak on Easter Sunday and he was fantastic, so I'm definitely interested in reading this one.
Angel Sanctuary Volume 1 by Kaori Yuki- I decided this is one of the manga series I want to complete this year. I've always wanted to read this one!
Silent Night by R.L. Stine- Reva Dalby! This one had one of the bloodiest moments in a Fear Street book. I remember eating these up as a kid!
Killer on the Road: Violence and the American Interstate by Ginger Strand- I heard Stephanie Harlowe mention in this in one of her videos and I wanted to check this one out because the topic is fascinating.
9 Common Lies That Christian Believes: And Why God's Truth is Infinitely Better by Shane Pruitt- This one covers multiple topics I'm interested in exploring.
Your New Name: Saying Goodbye to the Labels That Limit by Esther Fleece Allen- There is just something about this book that I'm drawn to. I hope I love it.
Made For This: 40 Days to Living Your Purpose by Jennie Allen- I am collecting all of Allen's books. I really enjoyed Nothing to Prove, so I'm excited to read more from her.
From Lost to Found: Giving Up What You Think You Want for What Will Set You Free by Nicole Zasowski- I love the title and cover for this one. Seems timely for my own spiritual walk.
Nothing Wasted: God Uses the Stuff You Wouldn't by Kasey van Norman- I am not even going to lie I bought this cause I love the cover. LOL
The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson- This has been on my TBR since 2015. I found a copy super cheap at Mardel and decided to pick it up.
Of Fire and Lions by Mesu Andrews- I now have the rest of the Prophets and Kings series! I love Mesu Andrews. I need to binge read a bunch of her books.
The Pharaoh's Daughter by Mesu Andrews- Another Andrews book! I have Miriam already and I'm super excited about it, but I can't wait to read this one as well.
Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard- I've heard this book is super impactful and a lot of young Christians read it growing up. I am curious about the plot and the story overall.
Sons of Encouragement by Francine Rivers- I love Rivers' novellas and after loving A Lineage of Grace so much, I knew I needed to pick this one up as well.
Miracles by C.S. Lewis- I decided to splurge on some Lewis. I haven't bought him in a while and I love building my collection of his work.
The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis- I have heard so many people recommend this book. It's one of his theology works that is referenced a lot (Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and The Problem of Pain are probably the top three).
The Dark Tower and Other Stories by C.S. Lewis- Some Lewis stories and fiction! He has a good bit of fiction, but I think he has more nonfiction.
Summer of Night by Dan Simmons- I've heard great things about Simmons' horror novels and I had fun when I was at B&N.
Violet by Scott Thomas- I was super excited to find this one because I never seen Thomas books in stores (only online). Still hunting down a copy of Kill Creek.
Unnatural Magic by C.M. Waggoner- I love this cover so much and I had never heard of this book before. A fun bookstore find!
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang- You know when you have been hype for a book since it was released, but are so intimidated by it that you avoid it? No, just me. OKAY.
The First Sister by Linden A. Lewis- I heard Riley Marie gush about this in a reading vlog and I had to buy a copy when I saw it on sale at B&N.
Trail of Lightning and Storm of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse- I love Roanhorse after reading Black Sun. It was amazing, so of course, I had to buy her other two books that I found.
The Girl from Shadow Springs by Ellie Cypher- I had never heard of this one before either. This B&N trip was full of finds I wasn't familiar with. This one sounds really good!
The Lost Village by Camilla Sten- I got an ARC of this and I'm excited about it, but I cannot focus on ebooks right now, so I decided to purchase a physical copy.
We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix- I love Hendrix and I was excited to find a paperback copy of this one at B&N.
The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso- I remember when this one came out and everyone hyped it up. Can I just say it is beautiful in person and I love the title of the series- Chronicles of the Bitch Queen- EPIC.
Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon- I have had this recommended to me a lot and I am super fascinated by this one since it's compared to The Stand (my all-time favorite book) all the time.
Arart by Christopher Golden- I found this in the horror section and I love a lot of the tropes this one tackles.
Dance with Fate by Juliet Marillier- I love Marillier and I need to finish reading The Harp of Kings. Hoping having the next one will keep me on my toes.
Dare to Bloom: Trusting God Through Painful Endings and New Beginnings by Zim Flores- This was recommended to me on Amazon and I started reading it. So far, it's very beautiful not only in writing, but in the pictures and art included.
Call Not Their Names and Other Stories by Everil Worrel- I loved the stories I read from Worrel in Women of Weird Tales and I did some searching and found this collection of her work. It has the five stories I've already read, but a bunch more that I haven't.
The Forgotten Queen of Horror by Allison V. Harding- I found this one at the same time that I found Call Not Their Names. Harding wasn't included in the Women of Weird Tales, but I'm down to read more Weird Tales Women.
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix- I am obsessed with this cover. It's absolutely perfect and I can't wait to read this one!
Fog, Snow, and Fire by Caroline B. Cooney- I never read these and I won't lie the only reason I bought them was because I remember Fog being mentioned in Paperbacks from Hell.
The Perfect Date by R.L. Stine- I am obsessed with these reprints of the Fear Street books. This one wasn't a favorite and honestly I barely remember it.
Secret Admirer by R.L. Stine- This cover is also great. Honestly, this book always gets great covers. This was one I remember really enjoying, so I'm excited to read this one again.
Runaway by R.L. Stine- I never read this Fear Street book, but this cover is amazing. I'm obsessed with it.
47 books bought in March
Books I've Read So Far:
Currently Reading:
Dare to Bloom
The Lost Village
The Lost Village
I purchased 132 books in the first quarter of 2021. I have read 11 of those books and have started (not yet finished) 5 books.
Listen, I know I have a book buying problem. Don't @ me. I'm not going broke and I'm buying within my means.
Have you read any of these books? Which ones should be at the top of my TBR? Let me know down below in the comments!
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