Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Third book in the Lux series
5 bajillion stars
Katy and Daemon’s relationship is stronger, but Katy is still reeling from the death she caused. Dee can’t forgive and their relationship is on the rocks. Not only that, but Dawson is alive. He will do anything to get Bethany back. Katy and Daemon will help him no matter what the costs.

That fricking ending wasn’t fair, JLA. I read Origin already (but I still had to wait to get my hands on that book so the pain was real). This was one of my last books of 2013. Hooray for the old year! I told you my reviews were behind. Anyway, I love the Lux series. It’s one of my favorite series. I think it has a great storyline, characters, and the cliffhangers are killer. My favorite thing about this series is the comedy. It’s seems odd because this series can really kill my soul, but it can always make me laugh. (Much like my relationship with Supernatural.)
The main female character is Katy. I love Katy. She’s such a kick-ass character. She’s a book blogger. Hello, this is my life. I understand the blogging life and I fangirl over books so hard. She did kind of annoy me in this one, though. Her constant push-pull relationship with Daemon irritated me. She’s a fighter though. A strong one and I really commend her for it.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 10
The main male character is Daemon Black.
“Can we just take a moment to appreciate how hot Daemon Black is? I swear I melt whenever he pulls his charms.”- My first Opal status update (12/20/13)
Daemon Black is perfection. I know a lot of people hate him, but I don’t hate him. I’m obsessed with Daemon Black.
Swoon Worthy Scale: can’t compute request
The Villain-
Villain Scale: 9
I missed the old Dee so badly. It really saddened me. She was one of my favorite characters and it was so sad seeing her new character development. I do like Andrew. I think he’s a good guy and he’s cool. Ash is slightly more bearable, but not really.
Character Scale: 9
There were a lot of shocks in this book, especially the ending, which killed me. Highly recommend this series if you’re not already obsessed.
Cover Thoughts: I do like this cover. It’s not an amazing cover, but it is a good cover for this series.

Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Fourth book in the Origin series
There is no way to avoid spoilers in this review for previous books ESPECIALLY Opal!
Daemon is going to do whatever it takes to get Katy back. His brother understands his need, but his family is worried about Daemon’s train of thought and how he will risk anything including his life. For Daemon, life without Katy is no life at all and he will get her back. Or he will die trying. There are secrets the Luxen are keeping. Who’s the bad guys and who will ultimately destroy the world? Luxen? Daedalus? Mankind? Arum? Or something entirely new? JLA Is one of the best writers in paranormal fiction. Her Lux novels are fun, fast-paced, action packed, and they always have the worst cliffhangers. While the cliffhangers are torturous, her writing totally makes waiting a year or a few months till the next book worth it. I personally have been waiting since January and I have already preorder Opposition and I’m finally ready to finish this series. This is a great series. It only gets better with each book. The romance is stronger, the writing is stronger. There’s more action, suspense, as well as twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting. This is my favorite Lux novel! It’s the strongest and it was just so good. After the ending of Opal, I was broken, but this book while ending on a cliffhanger wasn’t nearly as devastating.
Not only is there Katy’s awesome POV, but Daemon gets his POV too! I’m noticing a trend in YA now. Richelle Mead doing her fourth book with multiple POV, JLA with this one, and Allegiant was alternating as well. I think it’s a new trend. I’m not opposed to it at all, because Origin did a great job with the alternating POV between Daemon and Katy. I never felt like the POVs clashed or were hard to tell apart. They flowed and it flowed perfectly. The suspense was captivating and I think that’s what made Origin so suspenseful. The alternating POVs left me feeling like I needed to keep reading. I couldn’t put this down because I had to find out where this story would go.
The main female character is Katy. It’s no surprise that Katy is one of my favorite YA heroines. She’s strong, confident, well-spoken, and a lover of books. Katy in Origin is very different from Katy in the earlier novels. She’s a lot more broken and she has every right to be. My heart really ached for her. She missed her mom. She didn’t know what would happen in a strange place like Daedalus. But she’s not broken the whole entire novel. Katy is no Bella. She may be without Daemon, but she doesn’t mope about. She does what she has to survive in this environment. I really enjoyed her characterization in Origin. It was fantastically done and can I just say that Katy definitely knows how to fight. There’s no doubt about it.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 10
The main male character is Daemon. I love Daemon. I love him in these books, but Origin really made me love him more. Daemon has come such a long way since Obsidian. Not only do we see his strengths play out, but he truly loves Katy and it was adorable. I felt all the feels when they were together and it was just so good. So good!

Swoon Worthy Scale: *ovaries explode*
The Villain- AHHHHH! I so didn’t see that one coming. This one was just good. Great plot twist! JLA knows how to hook-line-and-sink-us. Never can trust anyone in this series.
Villain Scale: 9
Dee and Andrew and Ash and so many other cool characters are back. Dawson and Beth are just so adorable. Archer, Luc, and Paris are also pretty awesome. We’ve met Luc before and it’s awesome to see him again. I love the addition of Archer. I see Dee+Archer in future. I hope. Archer’s character is that something new mentioned at the beginning in my plot summary. Pretty interesting concept. Similar to Twilight, but
Character Scale: 10
Also people die. A lot of people die. Prepare to cry because I totally did. There’s also a pretty epic battle scene. I’m so excited for Opposition! (P.S. It hasn’t come out yet, but since I don’t know when this review will go up, it may have already come out.)

I met JLA. She’s awesome. Just saying.
Cover Thoughts: I’m kind of sad it wasn’t a Katy-Daemon cover like the first three, but I do get the whole Daemon by his self thing. Also, hey look, Nevada. I wonder if that plays a part in a battle or something.;)
I hear people talking about these books non-stop. I don't know why I haven't read them yet. I suppose I just have so many series I am already reading that I just wasn't ready to start another one. But I will for sure be picking these up soon!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm glad you're going to give this series a shot. I look forward to your thoughts on it.:D