Hi, everyone! The lovely ladies at The Broke and Bookish host this awesome meme ever Tuesday and this week's prompt is to talk about books you're thankful for.There are a TON of books I'm thankful for, but there are so many that I think are keystones in my life.

I had to read this book for my Lit class this year and it was so wonderfully moving. I adore this novel so much and can't sing enough praises for it. Yates was heavily influenced by Gatsby, but also wanted to tackle the suburban fifties housewife and her truth. It's one of the most tragic novels I've ever read and the movie is wonderful as well. I can't recommend this enough. It's an amazing story about the Wheelers and their downfall at failing to retain their own American Dream.

This is my most read novel. I've read The Great Gatsby three times and it originally wasn't a favorite, but with every reread I fall more and more in love with the story. It's such an important part of American literature and it is absolutely stunning.

I knew I would love this novel, but I didn't know how much it would emotionally move me. This is a novel that tackles one of the hardest questions one could morally ask: What would you do if you had to kill your husband? This novel is one that I continuously recommend since I've finished it. Don't be turned off by the fact that it's written by Stephen King if you aren't a fan of horror. This is a horrifying novel grounded in the real world, but it's a psychological suspense novel.

I picked up The Handmaid's Tale as a senior in high school (a lot of the books on this list were picked up that year) and read it alongside 1984 for a comparison essay. It was emotionally taxing and it made me so sad, but it also gave me hope. Then it kind of knock it back down, but that's what Margaret Atwood does and I love it. This book made me more aware of myself as a woman and it's important to know who you are and what you stand for because once you know it's harder for them to take from you.

I also had to read this for my AP English class my senior year of high school and it was amazing. I love Slaughterhouse-Five so much. It's one of the most prolific novels I've ever read and since reading I've read three more of Vonnegut's works. The themes Vonnegut tackles are important for every reader to be aware because war is bleak and it sucks and people, especially innocent people, die. So it goes.

1984 by George Orwell is a classic taught in schools for a reason. I owned this book for five years and then I had to read in AP English my senior year of high school. I wish I hadn't waited so long to read it, but also I'm glad I read it as an adult because boy did this book blow my mind. I'm a fan of classic dystopians like this and Big Brother has his fist wrapped tight around Winston. I know people aren't a fan of the ending, but I love it! How bleak and fitting!

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier is my favorite fantasy novel ever! It's one of the most emotionally devastating and moving novels I've read in the fantasy genre, but Sorcha's journey to save her brothers from their curse is heartbreaking. AND THE ROMANCE. MY HEART SINGS at the couple that happens in this novel and I don't want to spoil it for you because it's so much fun to go in blind and get swept away. So go read this if you love fantasy.

I am a huge Outlander fan. Jamie and Claire Fraser are my ultimate OTP and I have loved all four books in the series that I've read utterly and with my whole heart. I know that people find them "problematic", but history is problematic and I just love how Gabaldon approaches Scotland and its conflicts. Also the world is expansive. She doesn't stay Scotland and it makes the story move beautifully. I'm hoping to pick up The Fiery Cross soon!

I was late to reading Harry Potter, but I had seen the movies thousands of times and was an avid lover of the movies. It was until my sophomore year of high school that was inspired to finally pick the HP series up and I loved them. I read all seven books in three months while reading other books and it was a journey. Rowling created a world that mirrors our own, but retains its fantastical elements. HP is a staple in my childhood because of the movies, but a staple in my reading as an adult because of how much these books moved me.

This is my all-time favorite novel and because of that I feel like it is the defining book of my life and not just my reading. I've always been a voracious reader with many favorites, but it wasn't until I read The Stand by Stephen King that I finally knew what it was like to have the one book that is symbol of your soul and personality. I love this book and everything in it's 1400 pages. It was an experience and the best reading experience of my life. I know it's daunting, but pick it up! I promise you it's worth it.
What books are you thankful for? Are any of these a favorite or your to read list? Let me know down below in the comments!
Harry Potter was on my list this week too!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/21/top-ten-tuesday-134/
Happy to hear that!