Hi, everyone! I'm back with another prefilmed video in which I rehash and review some of the books I read in 2017. Surprisingly, I went from a crappy book to a decent book to an amazing book. Interesting, how that worked out!

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward by H.P. Lovecraft - 1 star This was a huge bust for me. It kind of ruined Lovecraft for me. Every time I think about Lovecraft now I think of his worst book, which is sad because he has some great stuff, but this left such a bad taste in my mouth that it overshadows his bibliography for me.
Too Scot to Handle by Grace Burrowes - 3.25 stars This wasn't bad HR, but it wasn't a great one. It was kind of mediocre, but slightly better than average at the same time (if that makes any sense). Check out my review here.
Firestarter by Stephen King - 5 stars This is one of my favorite King novels. I was a huge fan of the father-daughter relationship and how it mirrored Project Ultra (but not really because we don't want the government to kill King). I loved it so much and can't recommend it enough!
Recommend the Most:
Firestarter!!!! Everyone needs to read this one because it is so good. The movie with Drew Berrymore is great, too, but the book is so flipping fantastic and I can't believe that this one isn't talked about more.
Books Reviewed: 1
Books Rated Over 4 stars: 1
New Favorites: 1
Books That Changed My Life: 0
Owned: 3
The funny thing is that these are the exact same stats from my last video post. LOL
Have you read any of these books? Are you going to pick up Firestarter? You should and if you are turned off by horror, it's not really horror at all. There are a few creepy and horrifying elements towards the end, but this focuses on a father and daughter running from the government agency that created their powers. Let me know your thoughts down below in the comments!
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