Today, I want to talk about my goals for 2018 and how they've been going. This year has been amazing for me and while it's also been one of the hardest years of my life, it's been the best growth wise (God's good, y'all). Reading for me started so amazingly throughout the start of this year and it has still been pretty decent the last half of the year, but it's not going how I would prefer it to. Let's check in!
I am not much of a goal setter when it comes to reading, but it really helped my reading at the beginning of this year.-I want to finish at least three series (five doesn't seem doable). I completed this one!
-I want to read five sequels (I don't have to finish the series). I've read so many this year!
-I also want to read four short story collections. I don't know why I thought I wouldn't hit this.
-I want to read three classics that are not Stephen King novels. I'm an English ed. major. LOL
-I want to read five Stephen King novels (I've already read one in 2018).
4/5 completed!
I'm still reading a SK novel right now and I plan on finishing it before the year ends, so I may get a 5/5 on goal completion this year!
Other Unattainable Hopes:
I really want to read all the 2018 ARCs I request.
I also want to read at least five backlog
ARCs from Netgalley and
five of the print ARCs on my shelves.
I want to
write reviews consistently and post at least one video a week.
- I was doing great on reading 2018 ARCs for a while, but that fell to the wayside when I picked up The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle (I've been reading it since August). 30/55 I still have time though!
- I only read one backlist ARC from Netgalley. I would prefer to focus on 2018 ARCs for the rest of this year, but maybe next year!
- I didn't read any of the backlist ARCs I own this year, but I did read one physical 2018 ARC!
- LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL A blogger can dream...
Priority Reads That I've Read:

7/18 + 1 CR

I'm currently reading The Drawing of the Three. Looking at all these that I chose to make a priority, I'm glad that I did because four of them got 5 stars!

I definitely want to get to All the Rage before the end of this year, but the rest? I can pass on them for now. Being a mood reader makes it hard to ensure that I'll pick up even one of these. If all I complete is The Drawing of the Three and All the Rage, I'll be happy!
2018 Releases I Listed in End of the Year Survey:

Out of these three, I read ACOFAS. It was definitely not worth anticipating because WOW, what a disappointment! Still wanting to pick these up, but I don't know if I will before 2018!
ARCs I Posted on TBRs:
(April TBR)

3/4 Will I read Hooked on a Phoenix? I may give the first couple chapters a shot.
(May TBR)

5/5 WHOOP!
(June TBR)

3/7 Well, that great feeling of hitting all those books dissipates. I would like to try The Hawkman and Lying in Wait the most, but I am still interested in One for the Rogue and Ballad for a Mad Girl.
(July TBR)

2/2 Glad that I got to both of these, even if Bellewether was so boring that I thought I would pass out while reading.
(August TBR)

.5/2 I've been reading The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle since August and I have begun to loathe it.
(Future TBR)

I'm picking this one up ASAP after I finish slugging through Evelyn Hardcastle.
Audiobooks I Posted on TBRs:

26/26 are the ones I've read this year! I do a lot of listening to audiobooks!

I've started these three and I'm waiting to get them back so I can finish them!

I haven't gotten to these yet!
Physical Books on TBR:

I've read these eight physical books that I own!

I'm currently reading these five! I'm definitely going to finish Uninvited and These Broken Stars soon!

1/3 The first two are backlist ARCs I've been trying to read since 2016, but I don't read on my Kindle much anymore. Endless Night was a waste of my $.99, but I'm glad I read it for Peter Likes Books' bookclub.
How many books do I have left on that one? I have 14 physical books to read left and seven are not on any other list.

I don't think I'll be getting to any of these in 2018. Sadly, but maybe next year!
I still have ten audiobooks to read that aren't on any list.

I probably won't get to any of these before the end of the year because I have so many audiobooks in my library holds queue, but I would like to get to one of these if I can.
I'm pretty proud of my goals list and all that I've accomplished even if the last three months haven't been fruitful for me reading wise. Let me know if you are hitting your 2018 reading goals!
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