Books Read in October:

The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware 3 stars This is my first Ruth Ware and I wasn't a huge fan. I loved the atmosphere and the narrator has the creepiest voices (highly recommend), but the mystery was lackluster and I couldn't really get into the story. I wasn't captured in the way that I hoped I would be, but I don't regret spending time on this one. I just wasn't blown away.
You by Caroline Kepnes 5 stars Y'all, this book is as creepy as everyone said it was and Joe was a likable guy which made it even creepier. I loved this so much and the audiobook was funny, held me captive (HAHAHAHA), and is hands down one of the best listening experiences I've had this year. Truly terrifying and it never stopped shocking me. It kept going and it always packed a punch. (Also, I'm over halfway through the TV show and I love it.)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 4.25 stars I loved listening to this and it has great satirical commentary, but I didn't love it like I thought I would. It was great, but I wanted more and I'm not sure if I want to continue with the series because I felt pretty fulfilled by the ending. Is it worth continuing?
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han 3 stars This was so disappointing compared to To All the Boys I've Loved Before. It was cute and I love the family dynamic, but the drama was drawn out and this is a book that doesn't need to exist. Check out my review here.
Overall Thoughts (for October):
I read a total of 4 books in October (5 if you can't the textbook for social justice education that I counted on GR) and they were all audiobooks. I did read physical books, but I did not finish any. Okay, technically I read some of You physically, but I listened to it more than read it. It was a dual reading experience. Also, I'm kind of bummed that I didn't read in spooky books this year during the season, but You was scary enough. You is the book I recommend the most and it's not horror, so don't let it the fact that it is unsettling deter you because it's amazing!
Books Read in November:

A Passage to India by E.M. Forester 3.5 stars This is one of those classics that I had on my TBR but never actually had intentions to pick up. I'm glad that my Brit Lit class forced me to though because I learned so much in our discussions and about British colonization in India. The novel itself is not particularly amazing, but it focuses on really important topics within the dynamics of oppression and racism.
Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan 4.25 stars This is not my kind of book, but I loved it a lot. I couldn't stop laughing at the antics of Nick's family and it has its faults, but it's so enjoyable. I wasn't a huge fan of the movie, but I did really like it. I'm looking forward to listening to the rest of the series!
White Teeth by Zadie Smith 4.5 stars This novel is spectacular. It's a fantastic social study of British people who have been impacted by colonization. The problem is that the characters don't hold your attention. Things happen to them and you are fine with these outrageous tragedies, but they don't move you. That's why I can't give this novel a perfect rating because as much as I loved it, I also felt disconnected to it.
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton 2.25 stars I had been trying to finish this book for months and I was so happy that I finally did at the end of the month. This book has a fantastic premise about a man who wakes up in the bodies of multiple hosts every day to discover the truth behind a murder, but it was a slog. Check out my review here.
Overall Thoughts (for November):
I finished 4 books in November and they all had ties to British colonization and the effect of Western culture. Well except Evelyn Hardcastle, but it felt very British. The book I recommend the most is White Teeth. It's an absurd novel that spans multiple decades and Smith's writing is enchanting.
2018 Goals:
-I want to finish at least three series (five doesn't seem doable). COMPLETED 4/3
*I finished The 5th Wave Trilogy with reading two novels!
*Burn for Burn trilogy was finally finished!
*I read and started The Lord of the Rings trilogy in one month!
*I finished the original Sevenwaters trilogy by Juliet Marillier with two novels read.
-I want to read five sequels (I don't have to finish the series). COMPLETED 11/5
-I want to read five sequels (I don't have to finish the series). COMPLETED 11/5
*Flawless by Sara Shepard is book 2 in the PLL series.
*The Infinite Sea and The Last Star by Rick Yancey are the 2nd and 3rd book in The 5th Wave series.
*The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon is the fifth book in the Outlander series.
*The Lord of the Rings: The Towers and The Return of the King are the first and second in the LOTR trilogy.
*Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian is the last book in the Burn for Burn trilogy.
*Son of the Shadows by Juliet Marillier is the second book in the Sevenwaters series.
*Child of the Prophecy by Juliet Marillier is the third and final novel in the original Sevenwaters trilogy.
*A Court of Frost and Starlight is the novella in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series
*Prince Caspian is the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia.
*P.S. I Still Love You is the second book in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before trilogy.
-I also want to read four short story collections. COMPLETED 6/4
-I also want to read four short story collections. COMPLETED 6/4
*Harry Potter and Philosophy.
*Manga Classics: The
Jungle Book
*Manga Classics: The Stories of Edgar Allan
*The Merry Spinster
*A Wilderness Station
-I want to read three classics that are not Stephen King novels. COMPLETED 19/3
*A Wilderness Station
-I want to read three classics that are not Stephen King novels. COMPLETED 19/3
*Manga Classics: The Jungle Book
*Anne Frank Remembered
*The ABC Murders
*Manga Classics: The Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
*The Master Plan of Evangelism (Christian Classic)
*The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
*Heaven (It's one of the few real V.C. Andrews novels.)
*The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
*The Pursuit of Holiness (Christian Classic)
*A Wilderness Station
*Against Forgetting
*A Wilderness Station
*Against Forgetting
*The Stepford Wives
*Prince Caspian
*The Bible
*The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
*A Passage to India
-I want to read five Stephen King novels (I've already read one in 2018). 4/5
*The Long Walk (5 stars)
*Gerald's Game (5 stars)
*IT (5 stars-reread)
*The Shining (5 stars)
*The Shining (5 stars)
Read 2018 ARCs. Read 25!
Books I Posted on End of the Year Survey. YES! 7/18
*The Fiery CrossBooks I Posted on End of the Year Survey. YES! 7/18
*Ashes to Ashes
*Gerald's Game
*God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
*Son of the Shadows
*The Shining
*The Shining
Currently Reading/ Hoping to Finish in December:

Already Finished: Pieces of Her, Nightingale
Netgalley ARCs: Nightingale, Salt, A Darker Shade of Magic
Eldeweiss ARCs: Amity
I would love to finish all of these books to start the year fresh in 2019 with no old reads weighing me down. In reality, I don't know if I'll actually do that because I want to start other stuff, too.
Books I Want to Try to Get To:

I'm trying to get back to Netgalley ARCs. I'd also like to try some 2018 releases that I couldn't get to, but we shall see if I do that.

The top three are audiobooks I've started and I need to finish, so I'm praying that I get these back before the end of the month. The rest are books I have holds for!
Books I Own

I've been listening to These Broken Stars for months. I'm not a big fan and I think that's why it keeps expiring and I keep having to renew it. This time I will finish it! I've read In Cold Blood before, but I want to listen to the audiobook! I've never read Gone with the Wind before and it intimidates me, so hopefully I can get pulled in by the audiobook!
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts on them down below in the comments!
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