January 2020
The Tenant by Katrine Engberg: Y'all just have to go read this summary because it is wild! I can't wait to read this one because it sounds like it's going to be a twisting game of cat and mouse.
Fire & Wind by Stan Jantz: I'm all about the power of the Holy Spirit. Let's GO!
The Will and the Wilds by Charlie N. Holmberg: This fantasy story
sounds like something I'll enjoy. It has woods which is the call to my
fantasy loving heart.Long Bright River by Liz Moore: A thriller about two sisters with alternating time periods. This is what I want!
Blood Countess by Lana Popovic: YA historical horror? Say no more!
Dreamland by Nancy Bilyeau: Coney Island in a novel? I'm intrigued and hoping to love this one.
Post-Christian by Gene Edward Veith Jr.: I'm interested in how modern Christianity is not actually about following Jesus (it's scary and sad), but I'm curious to see this author's viewpoint on this new movement.
Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim: This sounds so fascinating and I can't wait to eat it up.
February 2020

Snug by Catana Comics: I already read this graphic novel and it was so cute! Everyone should go check out her comics they are precious.
Stop Calling Me Beautiful by Phylicia Masonheimer: Easily one of my most anticipated reads of 2020 and it's so good! I've already started this one and I'm already loving it! Go preorder it!
Making Peace with Change by Gina Brenna Butz: This is exactly what I need for next year because I'm leaving college. Change is hard.
Isaiah's Legacy by Mesu Andrews: I don't normally read Christian fiction, but this one sounds really fascinating.
Ghosts of the Missing by Kathleen Donohoe: Two people connected to a missing child try to piece the puzzle pieces together. I'm here for it.
Beyond Betrayal by Phil Waldrep: This sounds like a challenging Christian living book and I'm hoping that I'll enjoy it.
All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace: Magic and pirates!
March 2020

The Return by Rachel Harrison: A girl returns two years after she has gone missing, but she isn't the same girl and she may not even be human. This sounds so good!
Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas: I'm hoping to love this one! I'm excited about a new Maas book and I think this one is going to be a wild ride.
God Sees Her: 365 Devotions for Women by Women: I have already started reading this one and I am really enjoying it so far. Nothing groundbreaking, but there is some really good stuff in here.
Bloom by Kenneth Opel: This is about an invasion that brings rain that carries seeds that carry something that takes over the environment.After taking a post-apocalyptic class this semester, I want more and this sounds right up my alley.
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski: I love The Winner's Curse so I'm curious to see what her next series brings!
The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin: Jemisin just seems like an author I'm going to love. I will continue to add all her books to my TBR.
Open Fire by Amber Lough: This follows Russia enlisting an all-female battalion during WWI. It sounds interesting and the cover is pretty creepy.
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis: Floating kingdoms? Raven princes? I'm here for it.
You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen: I am a sucker for their thrillers.
A Conspiracy of Bones by Kathy Reichs: "she thinks might be hallucinations when she receives a series of
mysterious text messages, each containing a new picture of a corpse that
is missing its face and hands..." say no more! This sounds like a darker mystery/suspense novel I can't wait to dive into it!
The Vinyl Underground by Rob Rufus: This is a historical novel about music in the 1960s. It sounds like it'll be interesting and something new to the genre.
April 2020

The Beetle by Richard Marsh: This is an old classics horror novel that is being republished and I'm curious to see if it'll be a favorite.
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha: This follows four women in Korea whose lives are intertwined. It's supposed to be a huge hit for the 2020 year and I'm interested in checking it out.
Something She's Not Telling Us by Darcey Bell: I didn't like A Simple Favor, but I ate it up like it was candy. I know this will be quick and I'm hoping I'll like this one more.
Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier: This sounds like a hurt woman decides to take revenge on a woman who has taken her husband after she has already lost a son. I'm intrigued.
Pretty Things by Janelle Brown: This follows thieves and con artists. It sounds fun!
The Women with Silver Wings: Katherine Sharp Landdeck: A nonfiction about women pilots during World War II. YES! I am so interested in this topic.
May 2020

If It Bleeds by Stephen King: A new King story collection!! I can't wait. I love his novellas!
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones: "Four American Indian men from the Blackfeet Nation, who were
childhood friends, find themselves in a desperate struggle for their
lives, against an entity that wants to exact revenge upon them for what
they did during an elk hunt ten years earlier by killing them, their
families, and friends." I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS! I was shocked to get this one so early on Netgalley and I can't wait to dive into it. I hope it's terrifying!
Shepherd by Catherine Jinks: This follows a thirteen-year-old tracking a killer in the Australian outback. How wild does that sound?!?
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna: This follows a girl who is scared to bleed anything, but red at the blood ceremony and bleeds gold. She is offered the opportunity to die in her village or to fight for the emperor with other girls with the same gold blood.
Conjure Women by Afia Atakora: This follows three generations of women before and after the Civil War. One of my favorite things to read in literary ficiton is trans-generational stories.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins- I may hate this, but I'm going to give it a shot. It's been years since Collins has released anything and I'm definitely intrigued.
June 2020

Forest of Souls by Lori M. Lee: This sounds like an intense and beautiful wild! I'm so intrigued and the cover is stunning.
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles: I think that this will be something that I will like a lot! It has a circus club, that's legit!
September 2020

Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff: THIS SOUNDS EPIC!!!!! I know how much Kristoff loves vampires, so I can't wait to see his take on the genre.
There are so many books releasing in 2020 and I love the beauty of finding them as the year goes on. As of right now this is all that's on my radar for the new year!
What are some books you are highly anticipating and want me to check out on GR? Let me know down below in the comments!
I just added a lot of these to my TBR, so thanks for that! You're feeding the insatiable monster, haha. I know what you mean about being on your library's wait list! It's always a fun day when an audiobook drops on your phone!
ReplyDeleteLindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ☃💬
Glad you were able to find some new releases! I love my overdrive and library. It has helped me read so many more books!