Hi, everyone! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but I was recently on vacation and it was a very two weeks. I'm back now and hope to be posting more frequently!

milk and honey by Rupi Kaur- 4 stars (subject to change b/c I'm conflicted on a lot of the poetry in this collection)
Bizenghast Volume1 by Alice M. LeGrow- 2 stars Check out my review here.
Zodiac by Robert Graysmith- 3 stars This is decent, but incredibly biased and it does get a little boring every now and then.
It Gets Worse by Shane Dawson- 4.75 stars (maybe 5) I surprisingly loved this!
I discuss more of my thoughts on each of these books in depth in the video!
Have you read any of these books? (I'm sure you've at least read milk and honey because everyone is or has or plans to.) Let me know your thoughts on the books or recommendations that I mention in the video down below in the comments! Hope to see you down there!
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