4 stars
This is Bible Study and not an actual novel, but it still offers a great perspective on studying Biblical women from a different perspective. Dycus compares Biblical women to women (usually diverse women) who have impacted culture through magnificent ways. I really liked the two cross narrative approach. Each chapter is formatted like a Bible study with a breathing prayer, Scripture to read, commentary, questions, and ending breathing prayer. I enjoyed the process of walking through the Scriptures and reading the commentary. Do I think this is a good Bible study? Yes. I think it is specifically targeted to Mennonite religion, but since I’m non-denominational I believe all denominations could benefit from this perspective. I also found the diversity of this Bible study very important. Most Bible studies are very white-centered and it was enlightening and culturally relevant to read alongside women who have impacted others cultures and our world. I would recommend this Bible study on the diversity aspects that can be learned from as well as embraced and connected to by those who are from these same backgrounds. It’s so important to have diverse literature, but equally important to have diverse Bible studies and Christian literature. I loved this for that! I loved the commentary on Mary, Vashti, Anna, Naamah, and the unnamed woman who can’t walk. It’s so refreshing to come across new perspectives on commentary on women in the Bible especially since her main goal is to always hear the voice of women in Scripture to find her own voice (it’s inspiring and similar to my own journey). This Bible study is strong and I’m so honored to have been given a copy to review. I enjoyed the perspective and while I didn’t always agree with all the commentary (mainly the one on Jairus’s wife) it enhanced my interaction with Scripture and with God. I also enjoyed learning breath prayer technique at the end and understanding more about it. It’s a beautiful practice that I’m looking forward to trying.
Whimsical Writing Scale: 3.5
Plotastic Scale: 4.25
Cover Thoughts: I love the cover. It may be cheesy, but I’m sucker for it.
Thank you, Netgalley and Herald Press, for providing me with a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
You can purchase this book on Amazon here! (I'm an Amazon Associate and receive a small commission if you use this link.)
Have you read Every Time I Feel the Spirit? Do you plan to? What are some Bible studies that you've done or enjoyed doing? Let me know down below in the comments!
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