DNF @ page 49
Everything about this book screamed red flags to me.
Red Flag #1: There are no endorsements or blurbs from other authors anywhere on this book. Not on the back or the front. It's all about Hagee and any other mention of Mark Blitz in regards to the Scripture in Joel 2:30-31 as well as Acts 2:19-20. The fact that other Christian teachers, scholars, pastors, and theologians don't endorse this book proves that its "prophetic" end times propaganda with an agenda to push beliefs is not supported by others of validity in the Church.
Red Flag #2: On page 4, which is really page 2, Hagee self-promotes his program Christians United for Israel. He drops a link in the middle of his book. If that isn't blatant self-promotion and propaganda pushing then I don't know what is. I am all about speaking, sharing, promoting, and talking about ministries but this is a little too far for me. As a reader I don't want to be told to go to a website and this self-promotion really does nothing for me in regards to my own spiritual walk other than raising an eyebrow and feeling uncomfortable. Please, tell me about your ministry, but don't force me to follow a link.
Red Flag #3: This book does not have a header with a title, but with a hashtag. The hashtag is #BLOODMOONS. More propaganda. This isn't raising awareness, sharing the Gospel, or pointing people to Jesus. Know this book is all about pointing you towards John Hagee's foundation with the underlying message that if you don't follow his cause then you will burn and not be blessed.
Red Flag #4: This book blurs Scripture and science. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's done not to connect or celebrate God, but to further push this idea of these blood moons are going to bring about the end times and are in direct alignment with the Jewish calendar.
Red Flag #5: This book on page 40 acknowledges the Scripture in Matthew 24:36 that Jesus's own prophecy concerning end times marks that no man or angel will be able to set an exact date for when He would return. What is this book trying to do? Set an exact date for God's plans. This book ignores this prophecy from Jesus by trying to do just that which is FALSE TEACHING.
Red Flag #6: Hagee keeps mentioning the Scriptures in Joel and Acts in regards to the Tetrads, but Scripture clearly states that this occurrence will be like nothing man has seen before. The Tetrads, blood moons, and solar eclipses are not a new phenomena. This is not at all what these prophesies are alluding to.
Red Flag #7: When the Holy Spirit told me that I could put this book down and not finish it, that was enough for me. I've had enough of Hagee to know that this "prophecy" is not endorsed by other Christian teachers for a reason.
Hi, friends, please don't read this book. Have you heard of the Four Blood Moons prophecy? It was famous in the 2013-2015 time period. Let me know if you have any experience with this teaching.
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