January Plans:

Great Grace Upon All
This is a 5-day devotional that focuses on grace. This is a subject that I struggled to understand and implement throughout most of 2019, but this was a great plan to start the year off with. I gave it 4 stars on the app.

Silencing Insecurity
This is a 7-day plan that focuses on walking in freedom and out of insecurity. This plan was freeing and helped move me toward a lot of conversation and prayer with God about this specific topic that I was struggling with. I will be reading the book. Gibbs is a terrific writer. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Speak Life
This is a 4-day devotional plan that focuses on speaking life into the world and not letting your tongue trap you into gossip and slander. This plan had some great insight which was needed to help disciple some of the women in my life and while the plan wasn't an absolute favorite it was one that I recommended and encouraged a lot of women struggling with gossip and harsh criticism to read. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

Searching for Spring
This is a 7-day devotional plan that I read alongside the novel and it focuses on Ecclesiastes and the seasons of our lives. Hoover predominately focuses on coming out of harsh seasons into ones of hope (winter to spring). I loved the plan. I loved the book. I highly recommend it! I gave it 5 stars on the app.

This is a 4-day devotional plan that focuses on the minister, Wurmbrand. He was imprisoned in Romania for being a Christian and eventually started the famous ministry The Voice of the Martyrs. His story was powerful and I actually received a free copy of his novel from VoM and can't wait to read it. I recommend this plan for people looking to know more stories of Christian martyrs and sufferers for their faith. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

Desiring the Gift of the Holy Spirit
This is a 3-day plan about the gift of the Holy Spirit. I love spiritual gifts and I love operating in the power of the Holy Spirit, but this plan was not the best or most informative. I wouldn't recommend it if you are looking to know more about the topic because there are far better plans and books on the subject. I gave this plan 3 stars on the app.
February Plans:

Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism
This is a 9-day devotional plan that looks at a variety of spiritual disciplines and evangelism (the sharing of the gospel). It was a phenomenal plan. The concepts were so well-researched and the plan was convicting. I loved every second of my devo time in this plan. My evangelism gift increased greatly and my time with God was fruitful and abundant. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

The Daniel Dilemma
Christ Hodges came speak out my church at the beginning of February and I wanted to read this 5-day devotional plan on the story of Daniel. It was powerful and offered some great spiritual insight. It wasn't my favorite plan, but it's one that I would recommend. I gave it 4 stars on the app.

Don't Settle for Safe
This is a fiery and powerful 3-day devotional that packed a spiritual left hook into my life. It was only 3-days, but it was fiery and one that still sticks with me. I can't recommend this plan enough and it's short, so if you are scared of committing to a big plan this is one that you don't want to miss out on. I gave this plan 5 stars in the app.

Mercy Like Morning
This is a 7-day devotional study on waiting and the book of Lamentations. There are not many Bible plans for the book of Lamentations, so I was on this like white on rice. I loved walking through it, but my one qualm was that 7-days was not enough for this plan. I definitely want to check out the book. I gave it 4 stars on the app.
March Plans:

Leaving Cloud 9
This is a 5-day devotional plan that focuses on Andersen's husband and his deliverance from addiction. I hated this plan with a burning passion. It was sloppily edited. Full of misspellings, grammatical mistakes, and the devotional itself was not challenging and it all just felt unnecessary. I have never hated a devotional plan until I met this one. I gave it 1 star on the app.

The Deborah Anointing
This is a 6-day plan that focuses on the story of Deborah, the prophetess from Judges who led Israel to redemption and was admired by all of Israel. Her story is powerful and I love Deborah. I loved reading a devotional plan that focuses solely on her. I can't wait to read the book! I gave this plan 5 stars on the app!
April Plans:
Meet the New You
This is a 21-day plan that focuses on allowing the word of God to change your life and thought patterns. I really enjoyed the plan, but I thought 21-days was too long for the content and I got a little burnout on it after a while. However, the content was great and offers some wonderful encouragement if you are struggling mentally to view yourself in a positive light. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

Meet the New You
This is a 21-day plan that focuses on allowing the word of God to change your life and thought patterns. I really enjoyed the plan, but I thought 21-days was too long for the content and I got a little burnout on it after a while. However, the content was great and offers some wonderful encouragement if you are struggling mentally to view yourself in a positive light. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

Jesus's Path to the Cross
This is an 8-day devotional that focuses on the historical accounts of Jesus's crucifixion. If you are a history buff, then this is the plan for you. I loved how in depth the maps and historical documents were. This one of my favorite Easter plans and I absolutely loved reading it each day. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Love Has Come
This is a 5-day devotional that focuses on Easter and the resurrection and crucifixion of Jesus. I really enjoyed the message each devotional brought. It was a beautiful devotional plan and it was perfect for Easter. Everyone that I read it with loved it as well. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Whispers and Wildflowers
This is a 7-day devotional plan that is based off of the 30-day devotional book by the same name. Honestly, these devos are powerful and some of the best that I've ever read. Marr coves a large topic and a variety of ways we need to allow Jesus to cultivate our lives. Read both the plan and the devotional book. You will not be disappointed. I gave this 5 stars on the app.

War Room
This is a 6-day devotional plan about the movie War Room and the concept and importance of intercession prayer. It was my first time watching the film in April and it blew my mind. One of my favorite Christian films and the plan is so good. It's cool to hear from the directors of the film and walk through Scripture that inspired the movie. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app!

The Bible Project: Shema
This is a 6-day devotional plan that looks at the Shema in the Old Testament. Loving the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength. I love The Bible Project and I loved this devotional series. It was so enlightening and one of the best word studies I've ever done during my devotional time. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app!
May Plans:

This is a 3-day devotional plan that focuses on the chapters of Elihu's speech in the book of Job. Elihu was the youngest of Job's friends and when everyone finished blaspheming God and hating on Job, he decided to speak up and defend God. This plan was awesome. It was full of spiritual wisdom and was exactly the plan that I needed for the season of my life that I was wrestling with. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Here, Now
This is a 7-day devotional plan that focuses on unplugging from the world of social media and opperating in the concept of the here and now while basking in God
s presence. I read this plan alongside reading the novel and I enjoyed the plan more than the novel, but I would recommend both. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

God Hears Us Pray
This is a 7-day devotional plan that focuses on understanding and believing God hears us when we pray to Him. Often times, we struggle with feeling like we are not heard or think we are talking to nothing, but this plan shows and walks us through Scripture that says that's a lie. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

This is a 6-day plan that focuses on breaking free from our basic sin pattern of selfishness and walking more like Christ as selfless. I loved the idea of this plan more than I enjoyed the plan. I recommend it if you are struggling with seflishness, but I do think that are will one day be better plans on the topic out there. I gave this 3 stars on the app.
June Plans:
Opening Blind Eyes
This is 5-day devotional plan and video study that Laynie Travis has created. I really enjoyed Travis's plan Walking with Bruised Heels, so I wanted to check out another of her plans. I really liked the majority of this plan, but I kept wanting a little bit more every time I read it. The wisdom was there and the Scripture choices lead to great personal time with God, but I wanted her devos to be a bit deeper than what I got. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.
What Does God Say About Discipleship?
This is a 7-day devotional plan that focusing on Biblical discipleship for women. I read the plan while I was reading her novel Disciple Her and it was a nice complimentary plan to read alongside of the novel. I love discipleship and reading a plan about it was encouraging and convicting. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

5 Days of Prophecy and Our World
This is 5-day plan that focuses on prophesy. It touches on Biblical prophecy in regards to Jesus as well as the spiritual gift of prophecy and how we need to cultivate and pray for it in our lives. This plan was AMAZING. It had some awesome Scripture that is not widely used and was filled with spiritual wisdom. Tony Evans is anointed y'all. A great gift from God to our world. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Not Forsaken
This is a 5-day reading plan that focuses on finding peace in understanding that God is a father and that He is a good father. Giglio focuses on how our misconstrued view of fathers with our own relationships and experiences can mar our view of God. I loved this plan. The book is awesome as well. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

This is a 5-day plan that focuses on spiritual warfare and how we can better equip ourselves in Jesus and God's word to overcome the attacks of the devil. I loved this plan. It was full of hard truth and the words were beautifully convicting. One of my favorite plans on spiritual warfare and I highly recommend it! I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Opening Blind Eyes
This is 5-day devotional plan and video study that Laynie Travis has created. I really enjoyed Travis's plan Walking with Bruised Heels, so I wanted to check out another of her plans. I really liked the majority of this plan, but I kept wanting a little bit more every time I read it. The wisdom was there and the Scripture choices lead to great personal time with God, but I wanted her devos to be a bit deeper than what I got. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

What Does God Say About Discipleship?
This is a 7-day devotional plan that focusing on Biblical discipleship for women. I read the plan while I was reading her novel Disciple Her and it was a nice complimentary plan to read alongside of the novel. I love discipleship and reading a plan about it was encouraging and convicting. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

5 Days of Prophecy and Our World
This is 5-day plan that focuses on prophesy. It touches on Biblical prophecy in regards to Jesus as well as the spiritual gift of prophecy and how we need to cultivate and pray for it in our lives. This plan was AMAZING. It had some awesome Scripture that is not widely used and was filled with spiritual wisdom. Tony Evans is anointed y'all. A great gift from God to our world. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Not Forsaken
This is a 5-day reading plan that focuses on finding peace in understanding that God is a father and that He is a good father. Giglio focuses on how our misconstrued view of fathers with our own relationships and experiences can mar our view of God. I loved this plan. The book is awesome as well. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

This is a 5-day plan that focuses on spiritual warfare and how we can better equip ourselves in Jesus and God's word to overcome the attacks of the devil. I loved this plan. It was full of hard truth and the words were beautifully convicting. One of my favorite plans on spiritual warfare and I highly recommend it! I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.

Building a Daily Prayer Habit
This is a 7-day devoitonal that focuses on prayer and the habits that we should focus on fostering and cultivating in our prayer lives with God. I loved this plan and a lot of my friends who I did it with loved it, too. It's one of the best prayer plans I've read and I can't recommend this one enough. I gave this plan 5 stars on the app.
July Plans:

4 Days to Make a U-Turn
This is a 4-day devotional plan by Tony Evans about u-turns in our spiritual life. I was reading this plan to learn how to pray for a person in my life that God revealed to me needed prayers for this exact thing. I really enjoy Tony Evans devotional plans on the Bible app and I really loved the concepts he introduced and focused on. I gave this plan 4 stars in the app.

Discerning the Voice of God
This is a 7-day plan by spiritual powerhouse Priscilla Shirer (she's Tony Evans's daughter, so it's not surprising). I loved this plan. There were so many convicting nuggets and Biblical analogies to life and discernment that really honed in on the message. Discerning between your voice, God's voice, and the voice of the devil is one of the hardest things for Christians to learn how to do, but Shirer gives a quick run-down of it. I can't wait to read the book on this!! I gave this plan 5 stars in the app.

Grace is Greater
This is 6-day devotional study on Ephesians 2 and connects the devo to Kyle Idleman's novel. The novel is fantastic and was one of the most convicting and memorable books I read in 2018, so doing the devotional plan while reading the book was an awesome experience. I loved every spiritual nugget that this devotional plan tackled. I gave this plan 5 stars in the app.
August Plans:

Untouchable: Unraveling the Myth That You Are Too Faithful to Fall
This is a 7-day devotional and it is based off of a book that I read towards the end of the summer. The book was fantastic and I loved the devotional as well. Brittany Rust's story is incredibly convicting as well as challenging. The devotional plan focuses on how as Christians we often believe that we won't fall into sin and that we are good enough to save ourselves from falling. Her personal testimony of how she fell from grace in the church, but was still loved on is powerful. I gave this 5 stars on the app and I highly recommend the novel!
September Plans:
I'm Not Ashamed
This is a 4-day devotional plan that focuses on Rachel Joy Scott, one of the victims of Columbine. I had read the book with her letters in August and was moved by it and was curious to see what the actress from the the movie based on her story. I liked the devotional and it was interesting to watch the videos. Nothing particularly challenging, but I think it's a great one for new Christians and children in high school. I gave this 3 stars on the app.

Joy for All Seasons
This is a 30-day devotional that focuses on cultivating joy in seasons that are both where you want to be and where you don't. I liked the reading a lot and there were some great little nuggets throughout. I just felt like the devotional plan was too long and after a while it felt like a chore to finish instead of something that I couldn't wait to sit down and read. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

I'm Not Ashamed
This is a 4-day devotional plan that focuses on Rachel Joy Scott, one of the victims of Columbine. I had read the book with her letters in August and was moved by it and was curious to see what the actress from the the movie based on her story. I liked the devotional and it was interesting to watch the videos. Nothing particularly challenging, but I think it's a great one for new Christians and children in high school. I gave this 3 stars on the app.

Joy for All Seasons
This is a 30-day devotional that focuses on cultivating joy in seasons that are both where you want to be and where you don't. I liked the reading a lot and there were some great little nuggets throughout. I just felt like the devotional plan was too long and after a while it felt like a chore to finish instead of something that I couldn't wait to sit down and read. I gave this plan 4 stars on the app.

Peace of Christ
This is a 3-day devotional plan that focuses on Mark 4:35-41. The plan breaks the Scripture story of the disciples freaking out when the storm comes and the peace that Jesus brings in literally stopping the storm. I really enjoy Tony Evans plans on the app and they are something that I pick up every now and then, but always enjoy. I gave this 4 stars on the app.

One Question Bible Study: Spiritual Growth
This is a 3-day devotional on defining spiritual growth. I was not a fan of this plan and I found the devotional section to be contrite and lackluster. It was not a spiritually convicting plan. I enjoyed the Scriptural readings, but this plan does not stand on its own. I gave this plan 2 stars in the app.
October Plans:

Nothing to Prove
This is a 5-day devotional plan that focuses on the first half of Jennie Allen's novel Nothing to Prove. This devotional plan looks at Scripture that each commentary focuses on. It's a super encouraging devotional and does deviating slightly from the book. I chose to read this one because I'm reading the book with one of my friends and I thought it would be a good idea to get some extra supplementary thoughts on the plan. I gave it 5 stars on the app. (Side note: I'm currently loving the book!)
November Plans:

Love God Greatly- Galatians
is a 40-day devotional study and the weekends are off. Each day goes
through a portion of the book of Galatians and has commentary and a
prayer in the devotional part. I decided to do this plan because I had
recently read Galatians and felt so moved by the book that I wanted to
go into it a little deeper. It took me time do this plan, but I really enjoyed my time walking through this devotional plan. I gave it 5 stars on the app.

Live by the Spirit
This is a 5-day devotional plan that focuses on the Biblical practice of being lead by the Holy Spirit. I love learning about the Holy Spirit and I am always looking for new devo plans that focus on Him and His part of the Trinity, but this plan is not my favorite. I did enjoy the overall writings of John Piper, but this plan is definitely for those who are new to studying the Spirit. I gave this devotional 4 stars on the app.

Live by the Spirit
This is a 5-day devotional plan that focuses on the Biblical practice of being lead by the Holy Spirit. I love learning about the Holy Spirit and I am always looking for new devo plans that focus on Him and His part of the Trinity, but this plan is not my favorite. I did enjoy the overall writings of John Piper, but this plan is definitely for those who are new to studying the Spirit. I gave this devotional 4 stars on the app.

Chosen with Esther: 7 Days of Purpose
This is a 7-day devotional. Each day looks at small portion of the first three chapters of Esther. The commentary focuses on setting the scene for how Jewish people would have read the text and I loved that! It's one of the best exegesis plans I've come across. Something very prevalent in our culture is reading Scripture out of context and Scripture picking is huge for women ministry's, so it's encouraging to see something that is usually appealing to women be challenging while shining a light on the important of reading Scripture leaning more towards exegesis instead of exegesis. I gave this devotional 5 stars on the app and I want to check out the full devotional plan!
December Plans:
Flourish in Gratitude
This is a 5-day devotional. Each day looks at a large portion of different scriptures and focuses on the topic of gratitude and thankfulness. I was struggling with gratitude towards the end of the semester and decided to pick this one up. The scriptures were challenging, but the devotionals were pretty average and cookie-cutter. I gave this devotional 3 stars on the app.
King of Kings Advent Reading Plan
This is a 24-day devotional plan that is specifically meant to be read during the Advent season (starting December 1st). I wanted to do an authentic Advent plan that challenged me to read consistently everyday leading up to Christmas and was Scripture focused on the story and coming of Jesus. I really loved the expereince as well as the challenge of being consistent with reading a plan outside of my daily Bible readings. It was encouraging an the Scripture that we walked through was breathtaking and encouraging for the season of Advent. I gave this devotional 4 stars on the app.

The Bible Project: Advent
This is a 4-day devotional plan that is also meant to be read during and before the Christmas season. I actually finished it on Christmas day, so it was an excellent plan to dive deeper into right before Christmas. If you are not familiar with The Bible Project and their amazing videos, then I encourage you to check them out! Their devotional plans are all video based from their YouTube channel, but I love the opportunity to have a devotional plan where I can watch their specific videos. There word studies at a layer to my devo time that brings me great joy and always connect my spirit to the Word of God. 100% recommend. I gave this devotional 5 stars on the app.

Selah: Defining Rest in an Age of Productivity
This is a 5-day devotional plan on the topic of Selah. Selah is a Hebrew word that occurs multiple times throughout the Psalms. There is no exact translation for the word, but it is an instrumental direction to pause and bask in God's presence. I was introdued to the word Selah at the end of 2018 and it became my word for the first half of 2019. It was nice to come around full-circle with the beautiful term, but this devotional plan pales in comparison to Finding Selah (a novel specifically devoted to understanding and practicing the term in our spiritual lives as followers of Christ). I gave this devotional 4 stars of the app.
Plans I Recommend the Most:
Grace is Greater
Whispers and Wildflowers
The Bible Project: Shema
Not Forsaken
5 Days of Prophecy and Our World
Jesus's Path to the Cross
Discerning the Voice of God
The Deborah Anointing
Searching for Spring
Don't Settle for Safe
Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism
Chosen with Esther
Nothing to Prove
The Bible Project: Advent
Silencing Insecurity
War Room
Building a Daily Prayer Habit
Love Has Come
Love God Greatly: Galatians
Have you read any of these devotional plans? Do you love the YouVersion Bible App? What are some devotional plans that you recommend on YouVersion? Let me know down below in the comments!

Flourish in Gratitude
This is a 5-day devotional. Each day looks at a large portion of different scriptures and focuses on the topic of gratitude and thankfulness. I was struggling with gratitude towards the end of the semester and decided to pick this one up. The scriptures were challenging, but the devotionals were pretty average and cookie-cutter. I gave this devotional 3 stars on the app.

King of Kings Advent Reading Plan
This is a 24-day devotional plan that is specifically meant to be read during the Advent season (starting December 1st). I wanted to do an authentic Advent plan that challenged me to read consistently everyday leading up to Christmas and was Scripture focused on the story and coming of Jesus. I really loved the expereince as well as the challenge of being consistent with reading a plan outside of my daily Bible readings. It was encouraging an the Scripture that we walked through was breathtaking and encouraging for the season of Advent. I gave this devotional 4 stars on the app.

The Bible Project: Advent
This is a 4-day devotional plan that is also meant to be read during and before the Christmas season. I actually finished it on Christmas day, so it was an excellent plan to dive deeper into right before Christmas. If you are not familiar with The Bible Project and their amazing videos, then I encourage you to check them out! Their devotional plans are all video based from their YouTube channel, but I love the opportunity to have a devotional plan where I can watch their specific videos. There word studies at a layer to my devo time that brings me great joy and always connect my spirit to the Word of God. 100% recommend. I gave this devotional 5 stars on the app.

Selah: Defining Rest in an Age of Productivity
This is a 5-day devotional plan on the topic of Selah. Selah is a Hebrew word that occurs multiple times throughout the Psalms. There is no exact translation for the word, but it is an instrumental direction to pause and bask in God's presence. I was introdued to the word Selah at the end of 2018 and it became my word for the first half of 2019. It was nice to come around full-circle with the beautiful term, but this devotional plan pales in comparison to Finding Selah (a novel specifically devoted to understanding and practicing the term in our spiritual lives as followers of Christ). I gave this devotional 4 stars of the app.
Plans I Recommend the Most:
Grace is Greater
Whispers and Wildflowers
The Bible Project: Shema
Not Forsaken
5 Days of Prophecy and Our World
Jesus's Path to the Cross
Discerning the Voice of God
The Deborah Anointing
Searching for Spring
Don't Settle for Safe
Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism
Chosen with Esther
Nothing to Prove
The Bible Project: Advent
Silencing Insecurity
War Room
Building a Daily Prayer Habit
Love Has Come
Love God Greatly: Galatians
Have you read any of these devotional plans? Do you love the YouVersion Bible App? What are some devotional plans that you recommend on YouVersion? Let me know down below in the comments!
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