Hey, everyone!! How do you like my new layout and blog? I felt that it was time for a change and I absolutely love my new layout and header design. One of my favorite things about 2019 was getting into reading Christian Living books. I also previously did a post on the devotional books that I read last year as well. I wanted to showcase all of the Christian nonfiction books I read last year. I read a wide variety of topics and if you are looking for something specific, then here is a list of what I have read, recommend, don't recommend, and want to celebrate the experience of God with you through the study of reading.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman- 2 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Marriages, Relationships, and Love Language Concept (Quality Time, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, Words of Affirmation, and Acts of Service)
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass :Pass- It is not necessary to read this book to understand the concept of the Love Languages and how you can apply them to your relationships.

She's Still There: Rescuing the Girl in You by Chrystal Evans Hurst- 4.5 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: How to recognize that even if you are old and feel worn out, your youth is still inside of you. How Christ restores and strengthens.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- I would recommend this book to women who feel tired, drained, or like they have given up on hope.

Finding Selah: The Simple Practice of Peace When You Need It Most by Kristen Kill- 5 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Learning about Selah (Hebrew term in the Psalms) and all about resting and restoration in God.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend 100%- One of my favorite Christian living books I've ever read.I can't recommend this one enough! It's the best explanation of Selah that I've ever come across.

A Woman's Battle for Grace: Why God is More Than You More Than You Expected and Everything You Need by Cheryl Brodersen- 4 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Understanding grace and applying it to your life.
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Both- I recommend this if you want to learn about grace, but I'd say pass if you have read other books about the topic.

Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in Chaotic World by Max Lucado- 4 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Battling anxiety and resting in the peace of Jesus
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- I would recommend this to people who struggle with anxiety, but tread with caution if you are clinically diagnosed.

Sick of Me: From Transparency to Transformation by Whitney Capps- 5 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical
Central Focus: The process of sanctification (being transformed by the Holy Spirit through choice and partnership) and why transparency can be a wall or barrier to not be honest.
Buy or Borrow: BUY THIS BOOK!!!!
Recommend or Pass: This was my favorite book of 2019, OF COURSE, I recommend it!

A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community by John Pavlovitz- 3 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Addresses that most Christian circles and churches lack diversity and do not represent the Kingdom, but mirror one another. He tackles minority oppression and homosexuality in this novel.
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- The concepts he addresses are important. His ability may be lacking in Scripture and lean more towards opinion, but it's a good topic of discussion.
Searching for Spring: How God Makes All Things Beautiful in Time by Christine Hoover- 5 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Allowing God to walk you out of difficult (winter) seasons and be hopeful towards the beautiful (spring) seasons. Ecclesiastes is the Scriptural focus.
Buy or Borrow: Buy!
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- I recommend this book to everyone in my life (friends and family), so I'll recommend it to you, too. Especially if you feel like the seasons of your life are just always bad and you are in need of hope and encouragement. I read this at a time when I needed it and it helped me so much.

Here, Now: Unearthing Peace and Presence in an Overconnected World by Kate Merrick- 4 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Disciple Her: Using the Word, Work, & Wonder of God to Invest in Women by Kandi Gallaty- 4 stars
Central Focus: Learning how to unplug from social media while also resting in the Sabbath and why it's a Biblical practice all Christians should follow.
Buy or Borrow: Both!
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- I think that this is a great look into a woman's journey with both letting go of social media and learning to practice spiritual rest because of that, I think she is a good source to learn from.

With Gratitude by Marala Scott- 3.25 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Gratitude in poetry form
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Pass- Not an integral poetry collection, but if you are struggling with gratitude it may be a good one not to overlook.
A Cloud by Day, A Fire by Night: Finding and Following God's Will for You by A.W. Tozer- 5 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: The Israelites being led by God in the Wilderness. This is a series of sermons from Tozer on following God's will and using the Israelite people as an example.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- Tozer is a brilliant man. I think it would a disservice to yourself to pass up any of his writings.
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Discipling women and Biblical practices that mirror Jesus.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- This is the first ever published book on how to disciple women. This is huge and important for the church and Christians today!
Not Forsaken: Finding Freedom as Sons & Daughters of a Perfect Father by Louie Giglio- 4.5 stars
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Understanding how our view of our earthly father can hinder our ability to trust and love God.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- Such a good book on the topic and it is a topic that everyone can read even people who had good dads, but especially for people who had the fathers that they didn't always love or forgive.

Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life by Tish Harrison Warren- 2 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Learning how to recognize God in everyday tasks life folding clothes or driving.
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Pass- I would recommend this book to people who practice liturgical faiths like Catholics or Anglicans.

Grace is Greater: God's Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story by Kyle Idleman- 5 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Both
Central Focus: Grace and how it is the greatest gift that God has given us and we can give to others.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- One of my favorite books last year and one of the best books about the topic of grace.
Untouchable: Unraveling the Myth That You're Too Faithful to Fall by Brittany Rust- 5 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Recognizing that just because you know Jesus does not mean you are above sin and that you can sin in the ways that you have said you never will.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- This is the book that I buy for people and tell everyone about in Bible studies. This book will change your life.

Healing the Soul of a Woman: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds by Joyce Meyer- 4.25 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Allowing Jesus to heal the emotional and traumatic wounds that you still carry and how not surrendering them can cause you more damage.
Buy or Borrow: Both
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- Meyer is a well-known author and I think that this is a book to read if you have a lot of emotional baggage or if you have a loved one in your life who does.

Rachel's Tears: The Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott by Beth Nimmo, Darrell Scott, & Steve Rabey- 4 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: The journals, life, death, and aftermath of Rachel Scott's life and impact when she was shot at Columbine.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend- It shows the life of a teenager who should not be forgotten.

Wait: Thoughts and Practice in Waiting on God by Rebecca Brewster Stevenson- 3 stars (Working on Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: The process of waiting and why it is important for our walk with Christ.
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Both- This is the type of book where I recommend it if you feel like you should read it, but recommend passing on it if you don't feel like you have to read it.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan- 3 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Audiobook
Central Focus: Following the life and struggle with being a sinner that Bunyan struggled with and overcame.
Buy or Borrow: Borrow
Recommend or Pass: Both- Pass if you are not interested in testimonies from famous authors.
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom- 4.25 stars (Need to Review)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Both
Central Focus: Follows the story of Corrie ten Boom and her family hiding Jews during WWII in their house/watch shop.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommed- Her story is important and the journery that God took her on is so important.

The Complicated Heart: Loving Even When It Hurts by Sarah Mae- 5 stars (Review in Progress)
Audiobook or Physical Book: Physical Book
Central Focus: Follows the emotional journey between Sarah Mae and her mother who was an alcoholic. We read her testimony and her mother's journal entries to show how Jesus restores and reconciles relationships.
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Recommend or Pass: Recommend 100%- One of the most harrowing and important books I've ever read. This is a testimony story that should not be overlooked.
Have you read any of these books? Which ones are you excited to pick up? What are some of your favorite Christian books? Let me know down below in the comments!!
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