Hey, everyone! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to do a quarterly check-in and update to see the progress that I've been making in my reading goals this year.
52 Books I Own to Read in 2020
(the book must be purchased before 2020 to count, but I made a specific list that I am using)
How many I have read?

Currently Reading:

Books Not on the Original List, but Were Purchased Before 2020:

Going forward I will be counting the books that I've purchased before 2020 even if they weren't on my original list. Updated book count: 7/52 read
2020 Audiobook TBR
How many have I read?

Will I continue with this goal?
I am not sure. There are some books that I definitely don't want to read at the moment on this list, but I do want to try to get to some of these books.
Different Audiobooks I'm Interested in:

Updated book count: 1/22
5-star Predictions
How many have I read?

Currently Reading:

So far, I am enjoying going through this process. Hoping to knock out a lot of these predictions over the summer! Updated book count: 2/20
Series I Want to Read in 2020
What have I read?

Currently Reading:

Other Series I've Made Progress In and Am Now Counting:

Basically for this goal I just want to read series, but there are some that I want to be intentional in reading more of or completing. Updated book count: 4/21
New Goals:
Book of the Month Reads:
This goal is to hold me accountable in reading the Book of the Month boxes I get. So far I've made good progress with this, but I don't want it to get to overwhelming and be wasting a subscription service.
What have I read?

Currently Reading:

Need to Read:

Progress: 2/4 (as of 5/6/2020)
Reading Books That I Purchase in 2020
This was an unspoken goal that I have every year, but this year I am actually trying to track my progress.
What have I already read?

Currently Reading:

So far I'm really happy with the progress that I've made in reading books that I've acquired or purchased this year. I do want to be more intentional with reading the books that I've gotten from publishers and I feel like I'm getting better at that.
2020 ARC Progress
This isn't necessarily a goal, but a way for me to see how I need to
1) get my life together
2) stop going on Netgalley request binges
How many ARCs I have read?
26 books total!
How many am I currently reading?
I'm currently reading 8 2020 ARCs
How many do I need to read that have already been published?
90 YIKES There are a ton I know I will get to, but I didn't get to them before there release dates.
I refuse to shame myself with books that have to be published because I will crawl into a book hole of shame. I can't shame myself like that because I would just give up on reading my ARCs. Updated book count: 26/90 (as of 5/6/2020)
Overall, I am really excited with my progress with my goals. I have done a lot of reading this year (67 books so far!) and I know that I could be a more diligent reviewer and reader if I focused on that. I want to take this summer to find a better give and take with the two. I also want to return to making BookTube videos because I miss it so much.
How are your 2020 goals going? Do we have any similar goals? What is some advice to curb large ARC piles? Let me know down below in the comments!
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