Thursday, May 28, 2020

Quarterly Wrap-Up (Jan-April 2020)

Hello, everyone! I hope that your May is going well. I know that places are starting to integrate back into everyday living again in the U.S., so please be safe and continue to social distance and wear a mask when necessary! I was going to do this at the beginning of May, but time got the best of me. Here I am now! Essentially, I'm just going over all the books that I read in January-April 2020.

 49848587. sx318 sy475 819699. sy475 40538301. sy475 42815544 12982393 45171924 95607 95609 95610 43231095. sy475 27279587. sy475 43618559 535179 39318936. sy475 95618 6515205 49433601. sx318 sy475 42201099 50062992. sx318 sy475 31393759. sy475 50904683. sx318 sy475 51036695. sx318 51010892. sx318 43822820 42402467. sy475 27366528 51240587. sx318 sy475 30038988 50705822 13154150. sx318 44087797 43834909 a fire like you 43263004 51349861. sx318 52051406. sy475 45171924 52945057. sx318 sy475 25245760 17934530 46161056. sx318 49631287. sy475 49992195 44092372. sx318 30551719 49992244. sx318 sy475 30236985 52412226. sx318 sy475 46042907 44442012 34020185 51086632. sx318 sy475 50552733 51086522. sx318 sy475 18077769 42505366 49223060. sy475 49587064 30649399 42305828. sy475 34386617 43068444 50162787. sx318 sy475 45885644 46161150 29430665. sy475   
Total # of books: 66 books!! I have never read so many books in such a short amount of time. It is crazy that I read 66 books in the first four months of 2020. It's so exciting, but also overwhelming (in a good way).

30649399   50705822 43068444 52412226. sx318 sy475 50904683. sx318 sy475 51086522. sx318 sy475 30236985 
Most-Hated: The Red Tent

 42815544 45171924 95607 95609 43231095. sy475 27279587. sy475 535179 956186515205 50062992. sx318 sy475 51240587. sx318 sy475 13154150. sx318 45171924 25245760  17934530 34020185 42505366 42305828. sy475 45885644 29430665. sy475  
20 books that I rated a full 5-stars! I rated some books 4.5 and 4.75, but I wanted to only show the books that I rated 5 stars in case that is what you are specifically wanting recommendations on.

 10. Isaiah's Legacy
9. Annihilation
8. Wilder Girls
7. The Sun Down Motel
6. The Most Important Women of the Bible
5. American Predator
4. Needful Things
3. Stop Calling Me Beautiful (read twice)
2. Bunny
1. A Lineage of Grace (Unveiled, Unashamed, Unshaken, Unspoken, Unafraid)

So, this is just a breakdown and a recommendation list! Have you read any of these books? What books are you interested in reading? Let me know down below in the comments!


  1. Attack on Titan is one of my favorite shows, but I haven't read any of the graphic novels. Wilder Girls was one I really enjoyed until the end. I disliked how unresolved the story was. It looks like you've gotten a lot of reading done this year! :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I love Attack on Titan, too! I just finished season three a couple of weeks ago. The manga and anime are very similar. Not much deviation! I loved the ending of Wilder Girls, but it was so unresolved. I guess that's what I enjoyed about it. The enigma of it all. More than I ever have before! So weird to read so much. Thanks for stopping by, Lindsi!


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 Hello, everyone! Today I am a part of the blog tour for Tim Lebbon's new and upcoming 2022 release, THE LAST STORM. The Last Storm will...