Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is: Top Ten Books We Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under Our Trees This Year.
I'm a huge lover of Christmas, but this year my spirit has been a little down. One thing I do look forward to is books because gift cards, but a few books that I would love to see under my tree or as gifts are:
Numero 1:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Illustrated Edition

I need this book in my life. I keep seeing the illustrations on Instagram and they are giving me heart palpitations. Seriously beautiful art that I need to own. I have asked for this so hopefully it will be mine!
This is my favorite illustration so far. I want this on a poster. I love it so much.
Numero 2:
Penguin Clothbound Classics

I love the Penguin Clothbounds and I sadly don't own a single one. I want to one day own them all, but I am currently hoping to start my collection with Pride & Prejudice or Sense & Sensibility. P&P because I loved the manga classic I read and need it in my life and S&S because I love the colors so much.
Numero 3:
The Brides of Rollrock Island (Sea Hearts) by Margo Lanagan

I absolutely am loving the audiobook of this novel right now and I really want to own my copy so I can do an immediate re-read and experience this novel in physical form. The audio narration for Sea Hearts is beautiful and the story is mystical. Selkies + Scotland+ heartfelt stories= YAAS.
Numero 4:
Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk

This is a novel that I never meant to read or even know about. I came across a quote from this novel one day in class doing a project and I instantly fell in love.
"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."
This book has been an instant want for me since then and I almost bought it a Books-A-Million one day, but didn't have enough money.
Numero 5:
The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

It's no surprise that I want this because I'm a huge Flynn fan. I recently watched ChapterStackss's video review on this and I'm so excited to get my hands on it.
Numero 6:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith

I'm so excited for the movie of this and I need to read it before I watch it because I just must.
Numero 7:
Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson

My cousin showed me of an excerpt of this novel and it instantly sold me on needing to read this. From what I've read Lawson's narrative is funny and unapologetic. This makes me excited to read!
Numero 8:
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

I recently read "The Veldt" by Bradbury in my AP class and I instantly loved it. This collection contains that story as well as many others that Bradbury has written. I am really wanting to delve into Bradbury and hopefully in 2016 I will be able to.
Numero 9:
Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton

I first heard about this from InkBonesBooks on YouTube and her review instantly sold me. I've been searching for this book for months and have yet to find it. It's about dragons who ride in carriages and live like P&P characters. I MUST HAVE.
Numero 10:
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard

Another book that my English teacher has raved about. I'm really wanting to get into reading plays and this one follows the characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern from Hamlet and follows them trying to find their "god"/ story. Intrigued.
I'm a cheat and need more books. Honorable mentions:
Series I Need to Own All Books For Binge Reading

Books I Want Prettier Copies Of

I Just Need

What books do you want under your Christmas tree? If you participated in TTT leave your links down below!
I meant to include the illustrated HP on my list! I am fascinated by that. I think I'll need to purchase for my grandchildren (then grandma can to a preview reading)! I listened to and loved Lawson's first book, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, and loved it! Hopefully this second book grabs me in the same way! Fingers crossed you get all of these! Happy Holidays! (My list: http://books-n-music.blogspot.com/2015/12/top-ten-tuesday-for-december-22-books-i.html)
ReplyDeleteHaha You definitely should! It looks beautiful. I'm thinking about adding Lawson's debut novel to my TBR if I enjoy Furiously Happy. Thank you!