How to Seduce a Scot by Christy English
First in the Broadswords and Ballrooms series
4.5 stars
Catherine Middlebrook is a lady who is need of a proper husband. Her family is in debt and the shrinking amount of money her father left for them before his death is rapidly dwindling with her mother’s spending. This is Catherine’s only season to find a man to whisk her away and save her family. A gentleman bred of a good English background will do. Catherine wasn’t expecting to make quick friends with Mary Elizabeth Waters, whose brother won’t stop staring at from across the ballroom. Alexander Waters should want nothing to do with Catherine. His goal is to marry his sister to an Englishman, go back to Scotland, and return to the seas. But Alex can’t resist Catherine and some plans don’t go according to plan. I’m a sucker for Highlanders. Any historical romance is a guilty pleasure, but my favorites are the ones that include Scotland and English ballrooms. I love these kinds of stories. They are fun and endearing. The men are swoon worthy, the tension is palpable, and the ladies are witty and fun to read about. This novel is a perfect combination of everything that I love in a historical romance novel.

The writing is perfect for this novel. There are some great lines thrown in the novel and it fits in very well with the scenes. While English’s writing isn’t the most superb, I did really enjoy the style and how easily it flowed.
“He was like some wild, beautiful beast that had stepped into her life with no warning, and one day would step out of it again just as suddenly.”
“It is wise never to try to touch wild things.
Not even when those wild things are beautiful, and touch your heart?”
I am sensing a love for wild things in this novel and I quite like it.
Whimsical Writing Scale: 4.25
The main female character is Catherine. Catherine has a lot of traits that are often scene in a historical romance and while I liked her, I also found her quite irritating. Catherine is always going on about honor and saving her family and la di di. I found her to be quite ridiculous towards the end and her train of thought made no sense to me.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 4
The main male character is Alexander Waters. The first thing to say about Alexander is that he is truly yummy. Of course, he holds no match with Jamie Fraser, but as a Highlander he is definitely a delectable one. Alex is also very endearing.
“Miss Middlebrook, I give you my word of honor as a gentleman, you have nothing to fear from me, now or ever. I would defend you with my life. As long as you are in my presence, you need fear no man or beast.”
Seriously, Alex is the sweetest. He is a true Scottish gentleman. Now where can I find one similar to him?

Swoon Worthy Scale: 5
The characters are a great cast. The best characters are hidden quite often in historical romances. Mary Elizabeth for example is quite the badass character. She reminds me of Beatrix Hathaway as far as mannerisms and not fitting in with the ton. While they are two very different characters, they have the same endearing qualities that make some of my favorite female characters.
“She savored her new friend’s casual attitude both toward knives and the blood they drew.”
Pure badassery. A trope that always frustrates me in historical romances is the prospect of another suitor. The suitor in this novel, Lord Farleigh, was a basic man who I felt nothing towards except distaste (especially since I wasn’t the most trusting of him as a person). Even though he wasn’t a bad guy, he was boring and was only there to cause tension. I loved both Alex and Catherine’s family. They all had such awesome qualities and made it so fun.
Character Scale: 5
The ending did feel rushed, but I can honestly say that it doesn’t bother me all that much. I truly loved how the story played out and not only that, but I genuinely had fun reading it. It was so much fun to read a lighthearted story that didn’t feel like it was trying to be the most groundbreaking novel of the year. I recommend this for fans of historical romance, Outlander, Scottish Highlanders, witty characters, and fun reads.
Plotastic Scale: 4.5
Cover Thoughts: I personally don’t like the cover. What drew me in was the title. All you have to do is say anything in correlation with Scotland and I’m sold.
Thank you, Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
How to Seduce a Scot by Christy English
First in her new Broadswords and Ballrooms series
ISBN: 9781492612872
Release date: December 1, 2015
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
He’s the terror of the ton...
The plan is simple:
1. Descend from the Highlands to face the aggravation of a London Season;
2. Foist his wild sister off on some gullible English lord;
3. Retreat before the ladies of the scandalized ton can get any ideas.
to see his hellion of a sister wed, Highlander Alexander Waters is
willing to face anything—even the English. He just didn’t expect his own
rough manners to cause such a riot…or for a blooming English rose to
catch his eye.
bred Catherine Middlebrook must find a respectable man to marry or her
family will be ruined. She won’t allow herself to be distracted by
Highland barbarians…no matter how her body may thrill whenever Alex is
wasn’t part of the plan, but as their battle of wills escalates, Alex
comes to realize this “proper” English girl is as wild as the Highlands
themselves...and nothing will stop him from having her.
Buy Links
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1NdIEtm
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1MKz10e
Apple: http://apple.co/1WMKirV
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1MnPBnm
Books a Million: http://bit.ly/1PCobPd
Indie Bound: http://bit.ly/1O3HVcG
Author Bio
Ever since Christy English
picked up a fake sword in stage combat class at the age of fourteen,
she has lived vicariously through the sword-wielding women of her
imagination. A banker by day and a writer by night, she loves to eat
chocolate, drink too many soft drinks, and walk the mountain trails of
her home in North Carolina.
Social Networking Links
Website: http://www.christyenglish.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/christyenglish
What Kind of Historical Romance Heroine Are You?
Exclusive Snippet
supper waltz finally struck, and Alexander stalked to her side, cutting
a swathe through the passel of fops and dandies that filled Lady
Jersey’s ballroom. They cleared a path for him at once, and stared after
him, as he stood head and shoulders above most of them. All save for
Lord Whose-It, who faced him with cool aplomb from his angel’s side.
“Good evening,” Lord Something-Or-Other said. “Mr. Waters, is it? Lately of Scotland, I believe.”
“Always of Scotland, my lord.” Alexander executed what he hoped was a stylish bow before turning to Catherine.
“I am come to claim my dance, Miss Middlebrook.”
angel did not answer him, but Lord Somebody-Or-Other did. “Indeed? I
fear you are mistaken, my Highland friend. Miss Middlebrook has promised
this dance, and her company after, to me.”
Giveaway code
I also got Quietly Brave Romantic Heroine and I can definitely behind that! What did you get?
Do you love historical romances? What are some of your favorites? Let me know down below in the comments!
Ohh I got Quietly Brave too! I love historical stuff in general, though I am not a big straight-up romance reader. But I do enjoy swoons with my historical fiction, absolutely! I love anything Cat Winters writes. There's a few others I know I am forgetting too, but again, they aren't quite historical romance, just historical fiction with romances involved :D The quiz was fun!
ReplyDeleteShannon @ It Starts At Midnight
Whoohoo! Twinsies! Me, too. I appreciate a swoon worthy historical romance. I've been meaning to pick up one of her books. She's sounds like a writer I would really enjoy. Glad you liked it!