Be Still My Vampire Heart by Kerrelyn Sparks
Third in the Love at Stake series
5 stars
Angus MacKay is a Scottish vampire for almost a thousand years. He runs MaKay Security and Investigation in hopes of saving humans and vampires alike. When out patrolling the park he finds Emma Wallace. Emma works for the CIA’s Stake-Out team and she’s intent on getting revenge on vampires after what they did to her family. As Angus falls for Emma and Emma starts feel the same way, she wonders if she’ll be able to overcome her hate and want for revenge. Compared to this previous book in this series Vamps and the City this book is pure gold. Vamps and the City was a disappointment, but Be Still My Vampire Heart doesn’t disappoint and just shows that there was a slight bump in the road. I don’t know what it is but I’ve come across many series with terrible second books which make me weary about going into the next book. I’m glad I read this series out of order though, but I still compare the books to how the series goes even if I read this book after nine books in the series came out. Oops! I was behind!
I always seem to read the books in adult series out of order. At least before I joined Goodreads.
The main female character is Emma. I loved Emma in all of the books I read her in before except the first and second because she was so cold-hearted, but I still had a soft spot for her even then. Emma is probably one of my favorite heroines in the series. I think she’s perfect for Angus and she’s just kick-ass. I love how she changes throughout the course of the book and she’s just so strong. She’s easy to admire and I just can’t find fault in her. I will admit she got somewhat frustrating towards the end with the whole situation, but it worked out and I quickly forgot about it.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 9.5
The main male character is Angus. Angus is totally kickass. I always pictured him to be a grandfather looking type kind of guy when I first read about him in The Vampire and the Virgin because well it just seemed easier to do since he was Robby’s grandfather, but I stopped doing that once I read the other books. Thank god I did! How awkward would that have been?
I think I’ll pass.
How about him instead? I love Angus he’s not my favorite of the Scotts, but he’s definitely one of my favorite of the Vamps and males overall.
Swoon Worthy Scale: 9.5
The Villain- I actually liked the villains in this one. There was a lot of build up in the story and action towards the end. The villains in this one were a lot better than in the previous two.
Villain Scale: 7
I love all the characters in the Love At Stake series. I love seeing Roman and Shanna and Darcy and Austin again, but to be honest I don’t really care about Darcy and Austin. I love Ian, Robby, Howard, Vanda, Phil, and I loved meeting Phineas for the first time. Phineas was the life of the party even when he was scared for his life.
Character Scale: 10
I love the Love at Stake series and this is probably one of the “better” books, but it’s not my favorite. I loved reading about Angus and Emma’s story and I’m sure I’ll go back again one day and revisit them. Sparks didn’t fail me with this and she’s one of my favorite writers because of the comedy and fun fluffiness in her books.
Cover Thoughts: I like the cover, but I don’t picture Emma to look like that. In fact I don’t think the lady does Emma justice at all. I do like the effect the cover gives off. It does have a slightly darker tone in the content than other two books and I think the cover hinted to that.
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