The Books:
Books I've Already Read:

1) All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood- I received this ARC from Netgalley and it was the first book I finished in 2017. It was absolutely AMAZING and I love this book so much. I contemplated whether I want to buy the hardcover or wait for the paperback, but if I can get the hardcover cheap online I'd prefer to buy that because it has the constellations that play such an important role in the book. LOVE this and you should all read it!
2) It by Stephen King- I used to own this book. It was a first edition hardcover and at twelve years old, I carried it around for two months. This was first SK novel and I was horrified, but too young to appreciate it. I've been reading King again the last couple years and even reread a Night Shift (so good and I highly recommend) and I'm excited to reread this and for the movie!
3) The Complete Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin- I loved the first two Mara Dyer books, but I need to reread them before I finish the trilogy and I originally checked them out from the library. This box set is tempting me and I want it.
4) Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher- I read this book in eighth grade and I loved it so much. I think about it all the time and I would love to reread it and own it.
5) Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys- I borrowed this from my sister and loved it so much. I want to own and reread this, especially since I heard that a movie is coming out based off of this story.
6) Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor- I own the other two books in this trilogy and it's one of my all-time favorite series, but I don't own this book and it's an injustice to Laini Taylor and my bookshelf. I must fix this soon.
7) Burned by Ellen Hopkins- I loved this book and it's my favorite Hopkins novel. I own Smoke, but refuse to read it until I reread this novel. I need to get myself a copy!
Series Books:

8) Dark Bites by Sherrilyn Kenyon- I have yet to continue with this series (that I used to love) because I stopped at a novella and this book contains that novella and I need it because for some reason I can't pick up the next book without having read the novella because my brain won't let me.
9) If There Be Thorns/Seeds of Yesterday by V.C. Andrews- I read Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the Wind in seventh grade and Flowers in the Attic remains one of my favorite classics, but I have yet to continue the series and I know what happens because I watched and loved the Lifetime movies.
10) Angel's Flight by Nalini Singh- I'm a huge fan of the Guild Hunter series and this includes a book of short stories in it. I do want to reread the series, so I may just buy this one and the ones I've read (four) and continue the series.
11) One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost- I loved Halfway to the the Grave and I don't know why I've put off buying this book.
This Has Been on My TBR for Years, But I Don't Own It For Some Reason:

12) Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning- This book has been on my TBR since 2011 and I have always really wanted to read it because Irish fae! I need to get my act together and buy a copy.
13) A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray- Also on my TBR since 2011 and I loved Beauty Queens and I have almost bought this book several times. No excuses.
14) Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt- Also on TBR since 2011 (seeing a pattern, here?) This book is about a girl falling in love with Death. Yes, please. It's harder to find, but I'm going to get online soon.
15) Lips Touch Three: Times by Laini Taylor- (TBR Since 2011) I wish I had bought this at Walmart twenty billion years ago, but I hadn't read Laini Taylor yet and didn't know she was freaking amazing.
16) Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews- TBR since 2012 (a break in the pattern) and I really wan to check this UF out. It's a beloved favorite of the genre and I want to see if I'll dig Andrews.
17) Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas- (TBR since 2012) I LOVE LISA KLEYPAS! I still don't know why I haven't started this series yet and I need to get it together and buy and read all the books.
18) Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks- (TBR since 2012) This features a deaf heroine and a Scot! I need this in my HR!
19) Splintered by A.G. Howard- I almost bought this a month ago because it was on sale, but I had to pay tuition and didn't want to spend too much money.
20) All the Rage by Courtney Summers- I love Summers and I've been wanting to read this since 2012 (long before it was released), which means I don't own it at all because all the books I want I never buy when they come out.
21) Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson- (TBR since 2012) This is a Peter Pan retelling from Tiger Lily's POV and I need it! Everyone loves it and I have yet to even see it at a bookstore.
22) Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty- I'm not a contemporary reader (unless it's dark and gritty), but everyone loves this and I read Keertana's review for it years ago and have wanted to read it since.
23) First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones- (TBR since 2012) I've heard that this is funny and I love funny PNRs.
24) Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay- (TBR since 2012) I've heard great things about this novel and while it's not my usual genre, I'm really interested in this one.
25) Archangel by Sharon Shinn- I look for this every time I'm at a bookstore, but have only found sequels. I'm going to have to get this online!
26) Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes- I read this in class in eighth grade, but it was an abridged edition and I've always wanted to read this novel. The parts I did read touched my heart and soul.
27) Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec- I love the summary for this and it sounds hilarious.
28) Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett- Cults? Yes, please. I'm fascinated by these kinds of stories.
29) Written in Red by Anne Bishop- I'm so interested in this because this is like my perfect plot. Everything in the summary appeals to me.
30) In the After by Demetria Lunetta- This sounds intense and I'm digging the description. Zombies and a teenager girl rescuing a child? Love the sound of this!
31) Enclave by Ann Aguire- People LOVE this one and I almost buy it every time I see it.
32) Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis- A world without water?! That sounds so interesting and I'm really interested in picking up a McGinnis novel.
I'm a Picky Bitch and Want to Replace My Ugly Copy:

33) Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare- I refuse to read my ugly cover. I hate the original editions (except for Clockwork Princess) and I want an excuse to own pretty covers like this. #coversnob
34) Delirium by Lauren Oliver- That ugly girl in leaves cover has got to go and I refuse to read it. #coversnob
35) The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold- I don't mind my movie copy, but it's a really old used massmarket paperback and I want this pretty paperback instead. Plus it's in the bargain section at BooksaMillion and I almost bought it a month ago, but was trying not to spend more than $30, so I didn't get it. It shall be mine soon.
This isn't even all the books I really want to buy! I have an addiction! I definitely would like to a do second part to this post, so let me know if you are interested in seeing that! Do you want any of these books? Are any of your favorite books mentioned above? Let me know down below in the comments!
You have some of my favourite books on here! DOSAB, A Great and Terrible Beauty, Clockwork Angel, and The Sea of Tranquility. There are also a tonne of books on this list I want to buy (between shades of grey, Keturah and Lord Death, All the Rage, Not a Drop to Drink).
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to buy them soon!
I hope you get to buy the ones on this list that you want! There are so many books and this is ony a small section of them.
DeleteI 100% feel you on wanting to buy books all the time. I fail miserably at NOT buying books, especially manga.
ReplyDeleteI own the first Mara Dyer book, and even though the series is not a favourite I want to own the other two books because those covesr would have to be some of the MOST beautiful in YA, let's be real.
I want to replace my old library copy of A Great and Terrible Beauty, because it has a girl's face on it, and it is so unmatched to any of the characters that I'm not even sure who it's meant to be. I really liked the book, and totally recommend it, by the way. As well as The Diviners, if you haven't read it!
I have TWO copies of DOSAB, and it's not even a book I really liked. I think the hype got to me :( I want to re-read it this year, though, so I can finish the series. Maybe I will like it more the second time.
I purchased Splintered not that long after I bought it because that cover is so beautiful, and I really liked it. :D
Sloppy Firsts is one of my all time FAVOURITE BOOKS so I definitely urge you to buy it.
I hate ugly covers, too. I really want to buy the new TID books because they're so pretty!
I hope you can buy some of these books soon, Sarah :D
The struggle of book buying is so real! I used to buy manga all the time. I totally feel you!
DeleteI agree! Ilove the Mara Dyer covers. They are so beautiful.
I definitely need to get my hands on a copy then! Thanks for the recommendation! I own The Diviners, but haven't read it yet. Mainly because I want all the books in the series to be out.
I love DOSAB so much! I hope you enjoy it on your reread because it's so good. It's just one of those books that I think you have to be in the mood for.
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed Splintered! I've been kind of scared to pick it up and buy a copy, but I love hearing from people on their thoughts!
YAY! I must get to it soon! I need a fun contemporary for the summer.
Yes! The covers give me life.
Thanks, Chiara! Thanks for the lovely comment and stopping by!