Angel Burn by L.A. Weatherly
First in the Angel Trilogy
5 stars
Willow has always known she was different from other girls and just because she’s a pro at fixing cars. Willow can see the future and know people’s dreams, hopes, regrets, and their paths that can be taken just by touching them. She doesn’t know where this power came from. Alex, an assassin, knows. Alex isn’t just any assassin he’s an AK (Angel Assassin). Angels aren’t heavenly beings they suck out human energy leaving cancer, mental illnesses, and other diseases in their wake. Willow is a half-angel. Something that isn’t supposed to be possible and now Willow and Alex are on the run. When Alex finds himself falling for Willow he starts to see that not everything is black and white. This book was amazing. Pure, absolute awesomeness and I’m just dumbfounded. Even though this book was somewhat predictable I wasn’t expecting the ending and I need more now. The plot was fantastic and the whole concept of angels being evil completely new and fresh. I loved it. Being introduced to new ideas like this is what makes reading so enjoyable. The writing was a little hard for me to adjust to, but I have the same problem I pick up a J.R. Ward novel, but I usually absolutely love her works and I loved Angel Burn it was just fantastic. Really the only thing that bothered me was the writing at first after that there was no problems for me. I thought this book was perfect and I loved it.
The main female character is Willow. Willow is a great heroine. She has a backbone and when Alex was being a jerk she didn’t let him push her around like some heroines in YA would. I respect her struggle with her coming to terms with the fact that she’s half-angel. Willow was just a good YA heroine and I can’t think of very many faults and the ones I can think of aren’t worth mentioning.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 9.5
The main male character is Alex. Yes he was a jerk to Willow, but since we got POVS from Alex’s POV I understood why he pushed her away. I like Alex. No, I’ve come to love Alex. He’s very protective of Willow and I can’t wait to see where their relationship goes.
Swoon Worthy Scale: 9.5
The Villain- The Angels, but if we want a specific villain let’s say Raziel. Raziel is the ringleader of the angels and he has a strong hold over humans and angels.
Villain Scale: 8
Jonah was another POV. I liked Jonah and I have a feeling he’s going to be a big help in defeating the angels in the next books. I like Jonah, but I hope he doesn’t become a love interest for Willow. I highly doubt he will, but I don’t want a love triangle.
Character Scale: 9.5
I’m happy to inform there was no insta-love. There was a connection, but for a while they ignored each other and Willow was mad at him (I don’t blame her), but their hate turned to love then friendship then love. I didn’t think it was rushed. They spent so much time together I would’ve been shocked if they hadn’t developed feelings for one another. I’m so glad I picked this book up at my library. I can’t wait to read Angel Fire. My expectations are high and I’m going book hunting. Hopefully my library has Angel Fire. Angel Fire I need you...
Cover Thoughts: I like the cover. The girl looks like she’s standing next to a fire and it’s captivating, but my favorite part of the cover has to be the little design around the title. If you’ve seen the cover in person you’ll know what I’m talking about.
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