Switched by Amanda Hocking
First in the Trylle trilogy
4.5 stars
Wendy Everly has always felt different and there are a bunch of reasons, a big one being the fact that her mother tried to kill her when she was six years old on her birthday and being kicked out of schools constantly. Then she meets Finn and she thinks he’s a creeper since she shows up everywhere. When Wendy finds out the truth about herself she is shocked and doesn’t want it to be true. I love vampires, but I’m glad this book isn’t about them. Sometimes I need a break from all the bloodsucking and find some new paranormal craze. I had always been curious about Amanda Hocking. I mean she has made millions over being self-published and that alone is something quite amazing. I never could read one of her books because I don’t own any tablet, nook, or kindle and I was ecstatic when I found out her books were being published by St. Martin’s Press. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on the book two days before it was released because my bookstore had them out. I’ve never read about trolls. I have always thought trolls lived under bridges and you know the usual fairy tale stuff. I pretty much thought they looked like this
I know this one isn't that ugly. I found a really ugly one, but it scared me and everytime I looked at it I started to feel queasy.
Apparently they are beautiful and live in mansions and all that fancy jazz. I was really into this book the first half, but once she got to Troll Village (I can’t remember what the place is called) it got boring and all descriptive. I get it you’re a troll princess living in a fancy palace and whatnot but gosh calm down I don’t need to know everything about the Formica bathrooms.
The main female character is Wendy. Wendy was pretty cool for a while. She was all like Finn “Why are you all up in my koolaid?” She was like stop stalking me and I was like you go girl. Then she got all Finn, oh look now there’s another guy love-triangle. I still liked her, but she got really boring during her time in the palace/mansion.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 7.5
The main male character is Finn. I liked Finn he was cool, but showing up unexpectedly at a girl’s house when she is in danger is a little creepy. I was also getting fed up with his whole it’s my duty to protect you we can’t be together crap. Serious if you like her then just be with her and tell her mom off or something.
Swoon Worthy Scale: 7
The Villain- Shh… read the book and find out. Just kidding they are a group called the Vittra, but I’m not telling you about what they do and all that.
Villain Scale: 6
Rhys, I liked him well-enough but him liking Wendy is kind of weird since in a way they are brother and sister.
Character Scale: 7.5
I was also graced with a short story in the back, so here are my thoughts on that.
The Vittra Attacks
4 stars
This story gave us a closer look into the minds of the Vittra (Wendy’s attackers/Trylle enemies). The story is in the point of view of Loki. I really like Loki and I hope he can break free of the King and get to be happy. I hope to see more of him in the other books. I liked him more than Finn.
I’m looking forward to reading Torn and Ascend. Hopefully the next books will be even better than Switched.
Cover Thoughts: I love the new cover. There was nothing wrong with the old one, but the new one is beautiful. I love the red it’s so pretty and gives off this ominous effect.
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