Sins of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Seventh in the Dark-Hunter series
5 stars
I’m so behind on reviews, reading, and re-reviewing. I only have time to these things this weekend because I go to another camp. So, yay for being a hot mess when it comes to books. Since I’m reading Unleash the Night right now I’m re-reviewing my DH books that I’ve read. Now it’s time to stop talking about my excuses and review (re-review) this book.
Alexion is a man, but he’s not human and he’s not a Dark-Hunter either. What is Alexion? Well Alexion is the pretty much Acheron’s right hand man when it comes to keeping DHs in line. When the Dark-Hunters turn Rogue, Acheron sends him to be the judge, jury, and executioner. Alexion can’t feel anything and lacks all emotion. At least he thought he did until he met Danger. Dangereuse St. Richard AKA Danger is a Dark-Hunter and she’s stuck right in the middle of an almost-war between Dark-Hunters and Dark-Hunters wanting to revolt against Acheron. But the question Danger has to answer is which side is will she choose. The answer means everything because Alexion will have to kill her if she chooses the side without Acheron. Will Alexion be able to kill Danger even though he finds himself to start to feel things again when he’s around her and will Danger choose DH or Rogue DH? When I finally got my hands on this book it seemed like it had been forever since I read Seize the Night. The library never seemed to have it and then when day I was stalking the SK section like I do every time I go to the library and I saw it sitting there on shelf hiding from me. When I saw it I literally think angels starting singing.
I’m not exaggerating. I’m being honest, I was literally that excited. I loved this book, but at the same time it felt different from the other DH books even the one Were-Hunter book I’ve read. It felt like I was in another world and really I was for a good part of the book ‘cause Alexion lives with Acheron and Acheron lives in another dimension so I was just dumbfounded. It just felt kind of weird and a little bit déjà vu-ish.
The main female character is Danger. Danger is the first female DH we’ve gotten to read about. We encounter some Amazonian ones in Dance with the Devil, but our DHs have been male. I appreciated Danger and the fact that she seemed so human at times. Danger isn’t my favorite heroine I’ve come across, but she isn’t the worst. She’s really sort of average and she’s nowhere near as I-can-kick-your-butt-to-the-moon-and-back as Tabitha from Seize the Night. I think that’s what disappointed me the most about her. I was expecting this strong, but relatable heroine. I felt a little let down though.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 7.5
The main male character is Alexion. Alexion is cool. We’ve never encountered anything like him in the Dark-Hunter world. He’s just awesome and that twist at the end about him. I was shocked. I was OMGing and fangirling all around my house. It was just that awesome and shocking. I hadn’t been expecting that.
Swoon Worthy Scale: 8
The Villain- I’m too tired to go into detail. Let’s just say the villains are as great as usual in the Dark-Hunter world.
Villain Scale: 8
We get to see more Simi. Simi is definitely one of my favorite characters in the series. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned her in the other reviews. I don’t think I have. Well Simi is a one of the last of an ancient race of demons. She lives on Acheron’s arm as a tattoo and he spoils her like she’s his own daughter. Acheron… I love him what can say. I don’t want to say anything about because I want to just talk all about him when I get to his book. But we do get to learn a lot more about him.
Character Scale: 8.5
I was entertained and transfixed as usual with a Kenyon novel. I can’t wait to start reading my book again this weekend. I’ve missed reading. This book was great and I definitely recommend checking the series out.
Cover Thoughts: I love the colors. They are so pretty and they complement each other so well. I guess that means I like the cover. Yeah I like the cover, but Danger (the lady) doesn’t hold my attention, but the scenery behind her does.
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