Black Bird volume 7 by Kanoko Sakurakouji
5 stars
I love Black Bird; it’s one of my favorite mangas that I’ve ever gotten my hands on. It’s completely captivating and I enjoy every single hot sizzling second between Kyo and Misao. I love Kyo. You can call him a jerk if you want and disagree with me, but I love him and I think he’s sexy too. That’s a bonus… don’t get me wrong he has his jerky moments but I actually find those moments laughable. I want to know who this new guy thinks he is trying to break up Misao and Kyo.
He shall be punished for this. I don’t like him, but he is kind of cute, but still no one breaks them up. I’ll probably start the next one tonight or tomorrow depending on how busy I am. I didn’t talk about what this manga is about… I’ll do it in the next review of volume 8.
Black Bird volume 8 by Kanoko Sakurakouji
5 stars
Since I said in my last review of Black Bird volume 7 that I would talk about what this book is about instead of raving about it, here goes. Black Bird follows Misao a schoolgirl that can see demons and ghosts. One day she comes home and finds Kyo her long lost neighbor that she has no recollection about and he’s a tengu, a demon, and she’s the Senka Maiden a person demons will be after to gain power. OMG! I’m so addicted to Black Bird… I think it explains why when I do shop for manga (which I only do in the summer) I buy out most of the volumes and indulge in the mystical world created. Kyo… I love you… it’s a simple as that…OK well maybe not simple, but I love him. Misao has her good and bad moments like most heroines, but I always seem to like Misao even in times where I should want to smack her. Raiko was growing on me, I started to like him. Now I respect him a villain in this series, but he can rot for being mean to Kyo. I hope not giving anything away. I’m trying not to but it’s really hard. These books are my addiction and that’s all I shall say for now.
Black Bird volume 9 by Kanoko Sakurakouji
5 stars
Dear Kyo,
Why were you a jerk for most this volume? I shall forgive you, but don’t give Misao the cold shoulder after you two have finally done the dead. I hate guys like that, don’t be like that. Since you are insanely awesome and bring out the fangirl in me, I’ll let you slide.
They finally did it and now they are considered marry by demon law or something like that. Why is everyone always trying to break them up and eat Misao, they can never catch a break. Kyo’s dad showed up in the last chapter of this volume and I was like, “Oh snap, he knows who the traitor is. Maybe he is the traitor.” So much suspense, I’m not going to start volume 10 until later today. I’ll live with the torture of suspense. I don’t know what I’ll do without volume 11, which my bookstore decided not to get when I was there. That’s all for now, I’m trying not to spoil anything.
Black Bird volume 10 by Kanoko Sakurakouji
5 stars
I’ve finished the Black Bird books that I bought… and I need more so, so bad. That ending was fricking amazing. Sakurakouji is an amazing storyteller. The world she creates is beautiful. Being a gifted artist is amazing, but also being blessed with the amazing gift of storytelling makes her a double-threat (I’m sure she’s a triple-threat, but I don’t know much about her). I love the tengus. They will forever hold a special place in my heart as one of the best paranormal entities I’ve been introduced to. This isn’t the final volume of the series, but it feels like it to me because they only had volumes 7-10 at my bookstore and I only read mangas in the summer. I can’t wait to indulge myself next summer in the rest of the Black Bird series. This series is really heating up right now. We got a lot more insight into Kyo’s mom, who has hardly been mentioned in this series and Sho. Sho, you sly devil, you’re one of my favorite villains. Misao why is it when Sho is introduced again you start thinking about him and you know it pisses Kyo off. I would be mad to if I was in his shoes. Kyo… I love you, but tone down your jerkiness. Although since you admit to being a jerk I have respect for you. Most jerks won’t admit to being jerks. I love Black Bird and if you have never read manga before I suggest this be the one you try. This series is amazing and it won’t disappoint. It's the end... at least until I get my hand on these books next summer.
That is all for now on Black Bird. I really do encourage you guys to check it out and thanks for reading.(:
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