The Splendor Fall by Rosemary Clement-Moore
2.5 stars
Sylvie Davis was a rising-star ballerina, but now she can’t dance because of an accident that ended her career and left her with a limp. After her mother marries a psychologist and they ship her off to Alabama for their honeymoon. When Sylvie arrives she starts experiencing strange things, like cold spots and is sure she starts seeing ghosts. Not mention she is having trouble figuring out two complicated guys (Rhys and Shawn), who both seem to have a lot of secrets. I picked up this book at my school’s book fair mainly because of the beautiful cover. There are times that I’m a cover whore, but I try not to be because of books like this. The synopsis on the back of the book sounded interesting and I thought I was in for a ghost story. Sadly, that was not the case. There wasn’t much of a ghost or a threatening presence. I was hoping for something like Sylvie getting thrown across the room or someone having to be put through an exorcism. I don't know something to make me feel like this.
Nope, no of that; and the ghost scene at the end was just as much of a letdown. The prologue and the first two chapters were promising and I thought I had found another winner, but the book slowly went downhill with all the mention of Sylvie’s dog Gigi. I don’t mind reading about characters that have dogs, but when the dog is almost in every sentence or thought, I can’t help but start hoping that this would happen to the dog. (Just picture Gigi the annoying Chihuahua as Regina)
I think there were only two scenes this entire book that did not involve Gigi and those two scenes were sweet bliss.
The main female character is Sylvie. Sylvie is your typical, snobby, annoying, mean girl. Even though she did change at the end, it wasn’t a drastic change and I just don’t like her. I think she should just shut up.
Kick-Butt Heroine Scale: 2
The two main male characters (love triangle) are Rhys and Shawn. Rhys was the best character in the whole book and he hardly had any character development, but when he was in scenes in this book, it was so much more bearable. Shawn was boring. I mean he’s the “perfect” guy. Puhlease, perfect guys bore me, but then he turned out not to be so perfect and it just proved that I was right all along.
Swoon Worthy Scale: Rhys 5 Shawn 3
The Villain- I can’t tell you that ‘cause then it would give away the ending. ;)
Villain Scale: 4
The characters made me wanna throw a shoe or a brick.
Or maybe a stereo.
Or a ball.
Character Scale: 3.5
This book was pretty predictable and I think the pretty cover made me expect this book to be amazing. Nope, that didn’t happen at least not for me.
Pfft. That pretty much sums up how this book made me feel.
Cover Thoughts: It’s so pretty :’( and the reason I bought this book.
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